
Mikey and Phil’s Most Excellent Midway Adventure

TWO posts in one day?! Who am I??

Anyhoo… while the kids and I were trying to make the most of it back in our hotel room with movie night (Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer) and making do with room service food, Mikey and Daddy were off on their Midway adventure with the Cub Scouts.

The following pics are from Phil’s camera…

Getting ready to board the USS Midway for the night.
Getting ready to board the USS Midway for the night.






Making their way through the ship.
Making their way through the ship.



Arranging their sleeping quarters for the night.
Arranging their sleeping quarters for the night. That’s some crazy low head clearance!



Chow time! Mikey declared the food to be awesome. Phil chose to keep his opinion on the food to himself.
Chow time! Mikey declared the food to be awesome. Phil chose to keep his opinion on the food to himself.



There were quite a few shots of the ship's operating room and medical care facilities...
There were quite a few shots of the ship’s operating room and urgent care facilities…






A special access night tour.



One of Mikey's most favorite parts-- what they called "kids' coffee" (aka hot chocolate).
One of Mikey’s most favorite parts– what they called “kids’ coffee” (aka hot chocolate).




The boys on an early morning tour.
The boys on an early morning tour.















A precious father-son trip. Definitely one for the books.
A precious father-son trip. Definitely one for the books.
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