
Saying Goodbye

During Thanksgiving week, we got the sad news that Phil’s grandma (his ah-ma, our kids’ ah-tai) had passed away. She was blessed to have lived a long, full life to the age of 96. We were glad to know she had attended church for many years and had been baptized several years ago. Many of her family and friends came together to say goodbye, including all eight of her daughters. They haven’t been all together in a couple decades so it was really nice to see them in one room. She was a special lady with kindness shining in her eyes, the sweetest sounding voice, and tinkling laugh. She loved her family well and expressed it through always cooking and having delicious food ready whenever they came to visit. I wish I could have been able to know her better and especially would have loved to learn to cook her dishes. She will be missed but we are thankful for her life and thankful to know that she placed her faith in Jesus.



Here is Ah-tai with Jonah, taken three years ago.
Here is Ah-tai with Jonah, taken three years ago.



The kids with Phil, Ah-ma, and Ah-tai.
The kids with Phil, Ah-ma, and Ah-tai.


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