
Going to the Snow, part 1

The last time we went up to Big Bear was nearly a year and a half ago and it didn’t end so well for us. So it took us a little while to feel comfortable about going up there and making new memories. Even the older kids felt a bit apprehensive about it at first.


That is, until we got there and they promptly got over it. Especially when they discovered a Tom and Jerry DVD in the cabin.
That is, until we got there and they promptly got over it. Especially when they discovered a Tom and Jerry DVD in the cabin.



We arrived just after a snowstorm had left a lovely blanket of the fluffy white stuff for us to play in. Though it was plenty cold at night, the day looked to be heating up into the 50s so things were melting fast. These icicles were gone by the day's end. But first, we had a whole day of snow fun ahead of us.
We arrived just after a snowstorm had left a lovely blanket of the fluffy white stuff for us to play in. Though it was plenty cold at night, the day looked to be heating up to nearly 50 degrees so things were melting fast. These icicles were gone by the day’s end. But first, we had a whole day of snow fun ahead of us.



Mommy made everyone bundle up before heading out.
Mommy made everyone bundle up before heading out.



But they rapidly began shedding layers as soon as they got outside.
But they rapidly began shedding layers as soon as they got outside.



Learning that what goes up...
Learning that what goes up…



Must come down.
Must come down.



Discussing the plans for snowman construction.
Discussing the plans for snowman construction.



Mikey built a mini ramp into their sledding course and it was just enough to get him a bit of air time.
Mikey built a mini ramp into their sledding course and it was just enough to get him a bit of air time.



Her too.
Her too.



Coming down the hill is always an adventure.
Coming down the hill is always an adventure.



He loves it. Jonah does too. ;)
He loves it. Jonah does too. 😉



Then Jonah and I went around the back of the house and discovered an even bigger hill to sled down. Er, maybe I discovered it and Jonah came along for the ride.
Then Jonah and I went around the back of the house and discovered an even bigger hill to sled down. Er, maybe I discovered it and Jonah came along for the ride.



So Daddy took it upon himself to trail blaze a sledding path into the new snow.
So Daddy took it upon himself to trail blaze a sledding path into the new snow.



Little boy who insisted he didn't need a nap was not too happy about being left behind.
Little boy who insisted he didn’t need a nap was not too happy about being left behind.



Trudging up the long hill. Alone.
Trudging up the long hill. Alone. And disgruntled.



To remind Daddy's that he's supposed to go with him.
To remind Daddy’s that he’s supposed to go with him.



All's well with the world again.
All’s right with the world again.



Until this happened.
Until this happened.



Then all was most certainly NOT right with the world.
Then all was most certainly NOT right with the world.



Insisting on staying grumpy earned him a long-resisted but definitely-needed nap that afternoon.
Insisting on staying grumpy earned him a long-resisted but definitely-needed nap that afternoon.



So while the little guy was in the throes of unhappy grumps, the little big sister wanted to give it a go.
So while the little guy was in the throes of unhappy grumps, the little big sister wanted to give it a go.



She got the full experience, too.
She got the full experience, too.



And didn't mind it at all. Ahh, what a difference a couple of years makes. Someday we will move beyond the napping years...
And didn’t mind it at all. Ahh, what a difference a couple of years makes. Someday we will move beyond the napping years…

More snow fun to come…

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