With the little bother, I mean brother, down for a nap, Mikey declared it was time.
For a snowball war. No measly “snowball fight” for him, no sir. It was an all out epic battle for the ages.
Sides were taken.
Battle lines were crossed.
He’d run up with two snowballs in his hands, toss one to his dad and say “Catch!” and then immediately pelt him with the other snowball. It was his best tactic.
Hits were taken.
Heads up!
“Look! It’s my secret Canadian weapon.”
Meanwhile this girl was tasked with keeping up the supply of snowballs.
A task she took very seriously.
Everyone needs a wingman and she makes a great one.
Ah! A direct hit!
Taking matters into her own hands gets her pelted by her brother.
No worries though. She can dish it out just as well.
Pure intensity on that sweet little face.
Moments before.
I forget which one was coming and which one was going. Allie looks like she’s about to be pelted twice.
Uh oh! Man down!
Taking full advantage by stuffing snow down his neck.
Course you know he’s gonna pay for that.
Pretty sure that was also meant for the boy. Oops.
Ruh roh.
Tis okay. She’s okay! Nice recovery, Allie.
In other news, this tree. Amazing it’s still standing with all the crazy woodpecker holes in its trunk.
All fun and games until Mikey got hit on the ear/cheek with a chunk of ice that fell off one of the trees overhead.
Time for one group shot before deciding to return to the cabin to warm up with hot chocolate.
Haha thanks Tritia! We, uh, didn’t notice that sign on the tree until we were leaving… thankfully there wasn’t anyone else around to point out our trespassing. Would’ve put quite the damper on our snow day. :p
I’m dying here! Love the last photo and caption 🙂
Haha thanks Tritia! We, uh, didn’t notice that sign on the tree until we were leaving… thankfully there wasn’t anyone else around to point out our trespassing. Would’ve put quite the damper on our snow day. :p