
Going to the Snow, post script

Firstly, this fish. Random though he was, he added minutes of entertainment for our kids during our cabin stay. For that we are thankful.
Firstly, this fish. Random though he was, he added minutes of entertainment for our kids during our cabin stay. For that we are thankful.



And finally, this foosball table.
And finally, this foosball table.



Daddy promised Mikey a foosball match and they just barely squeezed it in before it was time to pack up and head out.
Daddy promised Mikey a foosball match and they just barely squeezed it in before it was time to pack up and head out.



But a promised kept is a very good thing.
But a promised kept is a very good thing.



Even if it involves some of this.
Even if it involves some of this.



Unsportsmanlike conduct: an excessive celebration following a scoring play.
Unsportsmanlike conduct: an excessive celebration following a scoring play.



But you gotta be able to take it as well as you can dish it.
But you gotta be able to take it as well as you can dish it.



Ah that Daddy. He just makes life fun. We couldn't do without him.
Ah that Daddy. He just makes life fun. We simply couldn’t do without him.

Thank you Lord for blessing us with such an awesome husband and father. Life is so much the sweeter with him in it and we are so thankful for him.

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