
The Detour

So we packed up, bid farewell to the little red cabin in the woods, and hit the road to begin the long drive home.

After a couple hours, Mikey hesitantly said, “Uh, Daddy? We’ve been driving a long time and this doesn’t really look like we’re getting close to where we live.” Meaning, all he was seeing was pretty much nothing but desert and mountains in the distance instead of the tall buildings, sprawling shopping centers, and many houses clustered together indicating the bustling city life we live in.

Phil looked out the window and mock gasped. “Oh man, we went the wrong way! Now we’re heading into Nevada!”

The kids voiced their deep concern.

Phil continued, “Well, it’s too late and too far now to turn around and go home, so I guess we’ll have to find a hotel and stay overnight here before going home tomorrow.”

Mikey glanced out at the bleak scene outside his window and said, “Where are we going to find a hotel? There’s nothing out there!”

Pretty soon after that the tall buildings and neon lights rose up out of the desert before our eyes. “Well, good thing they built Las Vegas right here,” Phil answered. And with that, we pulled into the Excalibur hotel and checked into two of their $40-a-night rooms. The kids were amazed at how well that all worked out while Phil and I winked at each other over their heads.


Krispy Kreme donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast the next morning.
Krispy Kreme donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast the next morning.



We didn't do a whole lot of exploring in the city and pretty much made it as far as the giant Hershey's store on foot.
We didn’t do a whole lot of exploring in the city and pretty much made it as far as the giant Hershey’s store on foot.



They all picked out their souvenirs from the chocolate shop. Including Phil.
They all picked out their souvenirs from the chocolate shop. Including Phil.












Then someone declared her feet were tired and sore from ALL that walking (all of two blocks).
Then someone declared her feet were tired and sore from ALL that walking (all of two blocks).



So we found em a 'sit down and rest ride'. The free tram that ran in between a couple of the hotels.
So we found em a ‘sit down and rest ride’. The free tram that ran in between a couple of the hotels.



And the long people-moving flat escalator that led us back into the Excalibur.
And the long people-moving flat escalator that led us back into the Excalibur.



And then we decided it was really time to head home.
And then we decided it was really time to head home.
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