Recapping Christmas. And trying not to be too discouraged that it’s now February and we’re just getting to Christmas. Long gone now are the past-season Christmas sales, the dried up tree, and even the ornaments and decor are all wrapped up and put away for another year (a miracle in itself, by the way).
Yet here we are.
One day I’ll get caught up. One. Day.
Not this day though.
Christmas Eve. Not sure what’s causing the crocodile tears but this is a sight we often see these days with this boy in his threes. This might have the teensiest bit to do with why I tend to prefer still pictures over video. Two words: no sound.
Aaaanywho, we let them open the gifts they bought for each other. They chose to shop for each other at their school’s book fair this year. Jonah is having big, bad feelings about the jiggly bead pen his sister got but he did not. Everyone else is pretty pleased with their gifts.
Still struggling with the big, bad feelings.
Mikey got Lauren (again) this year and chose this Barbie book for her. He was all kinds of mortified while buying it at school afraid that any of his friends, or anyone who remotely knew him or knew of him in the least, should see him making this purchase. Still he did it because he knew she’d love it and ultimately made his little sister very happy. Then he went and offered to read this book to his little sister which ultimately made his mama very happy.
Reading from Luke 2 before bed.
We told them they could wake us up on the big morning. But ONLY if the sun was up and it was light outside. They followed directions but just barely. Excitement can only be contained for so long when you’re ten, eight, six, and three.
The one item she really, really hoped to get this year. And still I’m all… ??? why this odd little robot dog WHEN WE HAVE A REAL DOG???
Awww yeah for Mr. Potato Head. (I love Amazon. Five bucks.)
Awww yeah for glass bead paint set. (I love TJ Maxx. Six bucks.)
Double awwww yeah for Hot Wheels loop-de-loop track. (Also TJ Maxx.)
Daddy doing what he’s done for the past eleven Christmas mornings.
I thought this gift seemed fitting for the boys this year.
A teeny tiny pwesent from Lauren. They all went and found gifts in the house and wrapped them for each other and us long before we got around to getting their presents under the tree.
See, I was there too in all my yanked-from-sleep-just-barely-got-to-brush-my-teeth glory. Phil and I got new iPhones this year. And this tech armor. Which Phil put on just a bit crooked on my phone and found out too late that you can’t do it over. Thankfully, he did mine first so the one on his phone came out straighter. Thanks, honey. ;P