And with that, Christmas was over and Phil had to return to work the very next day. He was scheduled to work a lot of hours right through New Year’s day while the kids still had over a week of winter vacation left. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to go spend a few days with Grandpa and Grandma even though we had to leave poor Daddy behind.
Back in his usual spot for breakfast.
The kids hightailed it outside as soon as breakfast was finished. Grandpa said they could gather up all the old apples and feed them to the goats. They came at this task like it was their job.
Can’t. Reach. The. Pesky. Apples.
Tempted to bite right into this one.
After the gathering of the apples came the throwing of the apples.
But since they’d been at this task (like it was their job) for quite a while, the goats had actually had their fill. Which is saying something since I’ve never known a goat to ever get full. But believe me, these goats were.
No matter though. If the goats wouldn’t come to them, why they’d go to the goats. Problem solved.
Except for the goats actually being full part.
Still they pressed on and gathered another bucketful of apples. Jonah was in charge of quality control.
Keeping at it. The goats would get hungry eventually, right?
When apple picking/apple chucking were done, Grandpa had Mikey try firing this shotgun. Cuz that’s what there is to do out in the country.
Ready, aim, fire!
He hit the target! (An old Costco laundry detergent container).
Also there were bubbles. Cuz that’s totally acceptable in the country, too.
Then Grandpa put this boy to work.
Gotta earn his keep, ya know.
Can’t. Reach. The. Pesky. Branch. (It’s hard being three).
Watching Korean TV with Grandma after dinner.
And finally, the kids got to open presents from the grandparents on New Year’s eve.