
The Week Off, part 3

After spending the entire day in the Magic Kingdom, we went home, packed up and came right back the next day.


Only this time, to check into the hotel! Nice living nearby but still getting the feeling of going on vacation.
This time to check into the hotel! Nice living nearby but still getting the feeling of going on vacation.



They love the checking in part. Daddy, not so much.
They love the checking in part. Daddy, not so much.



Look who we bumped into? Allie's in there behind Lauren but you can hardly see her.
Look who we bumped into? Allie’s in there too but you can hardly see her. Heh heh.






Off to the Frontier Tower!
Off to the Frontier Tower!



We're baaa-ack!
We’re baaaaack!



He's baaaaaack!
He’s baaaaack!



Poolside view from our room.
Poolside view from our room.

And it was just barely warm enough so we all jumped into our bathing suits and headed out to the pool for the rest of the afternoon.

More to come…

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