
Another Go

Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging comments here and on FB. It meant more to me than I can say. You know how as a kid, all you want is to be like all the other kids? At least I did, so I never said much about what was happening at home because one part of me saw it as normal since it’s the only life I knew up til then and the other part of me had no idea what to say in case it wasn’t normal. Turns out, not that much different as an adult. Still kinda just wanna be like everyone else. There’s more to that story and it got a whole lot worse before it got better, but I’m still struggling to make sense of some things and also figure out what and how much to say. So it’s still simmering in the back of my brain.

So that’s all I have to say about that. For now. In the meantime, life continues on.

Winter is now behind us and spring is all around us. Although, it’s not all that easy to tell the difference in our neck of the woods. Aside from maybe the amped up allergy attacks I’ve been having lately. Ugh. But with spring comes… baseball! And thanks to some wonderful parents on our team scrambling around last minute to pull it all together, our boys get one more year to play together. Many of the players from our former team weren’t able to come back, so a lot of our new players came from our church. The boys have been having a lot of fun being on a team together even though we’ve been winless thus far. That is, until last weekend when they got their first win! Sadly, I wasn’t there to see it since Jonah had fallen asleep just before it was time to leave and Phil thought it best to let him nap. So the girls and I stayed home while he and Mikey left for the game. Mikey was pretty sad I wasn’t there to see their first (and only) win. I was too.

Mikey’s still got a ways to go to improve as a player, but he has come a long way since last year. So proud of this kid for working hard at something that doesn’t come easy for him and putting good effort into being a team player.

So no longer the Giants, but now I present to you the Athletics! These were taken at one of their first games this season.


Hanging out in the dugout, chewing on sunflower seeds. His favorite part about baseball.
Hanging out in the dugout, chewing on sunflower seeds. His favorite part about baseball.









This kid.
This kid.






Our little lefty.
Our little lefty.



Team huddle.
Team huddle.




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