Our first full day of Phil’s big-birthday-getaway-and-relax went something like this…
We slept in (what?), woke up to breakfast delivered to our room (what!), and ate it while sitting on the patio outside our cottage and enjoying the morning view (what.). Then we went for a leisurely walk along the wooden boardwalk and saw what there was to see. Of course I took pictures of everything… with my phone. And of course my phone is currently not cooperating and letting me get the pictures off my phone. So those will be added here… someday.
Anyhow, after all that, we decided to head into the little town of Cambria to do a little more sightseeing.
And found the cutest little market that was pretty much the opposite of Costco. Meaning, they sold everything in near single-serving packages and nothing in bulk. Wouldn’t quite work in my real life of feeding six every single day. But worked quite nicely for my fake vacation life. Real wood floors!
Then we stopped in at Linn’s for lunch. And iced tea. Unsweetened.
Did some more sightseeing where Phil did the opposite of what I asked just then- look feminine and pretty under this arch. Kidding.
I spotted this bridge and wanted to see what was on the other side.
Phil was game to go see. But was wondering why I kept lagging behind. Just wanted to keep a head start in case we found a bear on the other side. Kidding.
No bears, but a wide open grassy field. Peaceful. Also, before the bridge, we stopped into a depressing little Italian bakery because of Yelp. I wanted to walk right back out, but Phil felt bad for the guy (I think it was Bob the owner) behind the counter so he went ahead and bought some Italian pretzels from him. This is him brimming with excitement to try one.
And this is him kind of regretting his purchase.
This is him still chewing and wondering what is so special about their specialty.
And this is me capturing my reflection (and the bag of extremely hard pretzels) in his sunglasses while he was still pondering.
This explains my house.
And this explains why I daily need to go upstairs to my room, lay on my bed, and plop a pillow over my face.
Amazing all the hand-painted details in each tiny figure.
Phil threw caution to the wind and went in for another purchase in spite of the Italian pretzel debacle. This time it was for an “essential” joke book that every man ought to know. Well, I guess so, it being essential and all.
Then we headed back to our cottage for an afternoon nap. Because we could. (What?!).
Sooner than later, the time came to decide about dinner. I thought this was the one based on its cuteness alone.
So cute, right??
Table for two. Still my favorite.
Loved the ambiance a lot. Tragically, the food was meh. We both found it just okay but nothing to write home about. Therefore nothing to post picutres about either. Boo.
And that was all we could fit into a day while also relaxing the whole time.