
Spring Break, part 5.5

The rest of the fishing pictures…


Fishing 101 with Grandpa.
Fishing 101 with Grandpa.






What's this now?
What’s this now?



Jonah (and Grandpa) caught the first fish of the day!
Jonah (and Grandpa) caught the first fish of the day!



Grandpa does most of the work, Jonah gets most of the credit. Sounds about right.
Grandpa does most of the work, Jonah gets most of the credit. Sounds about right.



Happy boy.
Happy fisher boy.



And then... ?
And then… ?



Fisher girl in action!
Fisher girl in action!



Allie brings in the second fish of the day,
Allie brings in the second fish of the day.



Way to go, fisher girl.
Way to go, fisher girl.



But that doesn't mean she wants that fish to get any closer to her though.
But that doesn’t mean she wants that fish to get any closer to her though.



Happy fisher girl.
Happy fisher girl.



Happy fisher girl and silly fisher boy.
Happy fisher girl and silly fisher boy.



Giving him a pep talk because someone was beginning to feel kind of disappointed...
Giving him a pep talk because someone was beginning to feel kind of disappointed…



This one didn't care so much about catching a fish as long as there was a good cuddling spot.
This one didn’t care so much about catching a fish as long as there was a good cuddling spot.



Sadly though, our rental time was about up so we had to get back to return the pontoon boat.
Sadly though, our rental time was about up so we had to get back to return the pontoon boat.



I'm flying!
I’m flying!



Whatcha doin', big sis?
Whatcha doin’, big sis?



We're flying!
We’re flying!



We're all flying!
We’re all flying!



While the others were busy flying, this one was having big feelings over not catching a fish.
While the others were busy flying, this one was having big feelings over not catching a fish.



Also the half tablet of Dramamine I had given him earlier was kicking in.
Also the half tablet of Dramamine I had given him earlier was kicking in.



How he felt about returning the boat.
How he felt about returning the boat.



Okay, so maybe not such a successful day in terms of how many fish we caught (two), but thankfully success comes in many forms and the time spent together enjoying God's creation ranks pretty up there in my book. Thanks Grandpa for setting this up for us, teaching the kids about fishing, and for untangling the kids' fishing lines all day long.
Okay, so maybe not such a successful day in terms of how many fish we caught (two), but thankfully success comes in many forms and the time spent together enjoying God’s creation ranks pretty up there in my book. Thanks Grandpa for setting this up for us, teaching the kids about fishing, and for untangling the kids’ fishing lines all day long.
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