
Spring Break, part 6

The final day of our spring break vacation…



Started out with kids on the couch watching one of the movies they had brought along. Only at the grandparents' house does this level of awesomeness exist.
Started out with kids on the couch watching one of the movies they had brought along. Which is what they did every morning of that week as soon as they woke up. Only at the grandparents’ house does this level of awesomeness exist. We were supposed to pack up and leave after breakfast, but the kids begged to stay one more day. So we did.



Then came a little target practice with Grandpa.
One more day meant there was time for a little target practice with Grandpa.






Even the dad gave it a try.
Even the dad gave it a try.



Inspecting their shots.
Inspecting their shots.



Then came time to "help" Grandpa gather more feed for the goats.
One more day to “help” Grandpa gather more feed for the goats.












One more day to do this.



"Wook how much grass I got, Mommy!"
“Wook how much grass I got, Mommy!”






One more row of "kim-baps" (rice rolled up with roasted seaweed) made by Grandpa for this boy to eat.
One more row of “kim-baps” (rice rolled up with roasted seaweed) made by Grandpa for this boy to eat.



And then the bonus day was over and it really was time to pack up and head home. They didn't want our beautiful week to end. I didn't either.
And then all too soon the bonus day was over and it really was time to pack up and head home. They didn’t want our beautiful week to end. I didn’t either.






The poppies were growing like crazy around Grandpa's house this year.
The poppies were growing like crazy around Grandpa’s house this year.






We love you Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you again for everything. Until next time…
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