
My Baby M Turns 11! Part 1

Just as soon as the dust settled from celebrating the daddy's birthday, came time to celebrate this boy.
Just as soon as the dust settled from celebrating the daddy’s birthday, came time to celebrate this boy.



He asked to take Krispy Kreme doughnuts in to share with his classmates that day. Which meant Krispy Kreme doughnuts for breakfast that morning. There were no objections to this plan.
He asked to take Krispy Kreme doughnuts in to share with his classmates at school that day. Which meant we had Krispy Kreme doughnuts for breakfast that morning. There were no objections to this plan.



After school, he asked if I could take a picture of him with Daisy. I agreed, what with it being his birthday and all...
After school, he asked if I could take a picture of him with Daisy. Because, as he said, he wanted to have a picture to remember her by after she dies. Wow. Planning ahead, I guess? In any case, I agreed, what with it being his birthday and all…



Then it was time to open presents! Please observe the little brother in these next few pictures.
Then it was time to open presents! Please observe the little brother in these next few pictures. All smiles here…



Happy for the big brother as he continues opening presents.
Happy for the big brother as he opens his presents.



Hooray! He got his top three items on his birthday wish list!
Hooray! He got his top three items on his birthday wish list! Little brother takes in a shaky breath…



More watching, inching in closer and closer. Wondering which one big brother is going to let him have...
More watching, inching in closer and closer. Wondering which one big brother is going to let him have…



And there it is: the moment when little brother realizes he's not going to get one of big brother's presents.
And there it is: the moment when little brother realizes he’s not going to get one of big brother’s presents.



Mikey, being Mikey, had "party favors" to give to his siblings. A set of McDonald's "Home" toys.
But Mikey, being Mikey, had “party favors” to give to his siblings. A set of McDonald’s “Home” toys.



Except little brother wasn't fooled. He knew where the good toys were. Even though big sister tried to comfort him with his "Home" toy.
Except little brother wasn’t fooled. He knew where the good toys were. Even though big sister tried to comfort him with his “Home” toy. Guess we’ll have to keep working on “rejoicing with those who rejoice”!



Happy happy birthday, my sweet boy!
Happy happy birthday, my sweet boy!



Watching the daddy light his eleven candles on his mint chip ice cream cake.
Watching the daddy light his eleven candles on his mint chip ice cream cake.



Warming their hands by the flame of the many candles.
Warming their hands by the light of the many candles.



Thankfully the little brother perked up with the promise of a piece of ice cream cake.






More celebrating to come...
More celebrating to come…
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