
Last Days of School!

Jonah’s last day of school was on a Wednesday, a day before the others.


One last picture with his teacher, Miss A.
One last picture with his teacher, Miss A.



She gave each of the kids these star-shaped sunglasses along with a handwritten card that said, "Your future's so bright, you gotta wear shades."
She gave each of the kids these star-shaped sunglasses along with a handwritten card that said, “Your future’s so bright, you gotta wear shades.”



We're sure gonna miss her!
We’re sure gonna miss her!



Quintessential Jonah.
Quintessential Jonah.






Second to last day of kindergarten for this one. Loved her teacher, Mrs. B.
Second to last day of kindergarten for this one. Loved her teacher, Mrs. B.



Fourth grade party games.
Fourth grade party games.



Fourth grade best buddy.
Fourth grade best buddy.



And then, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL was upon us!
And then, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL was upon us! (Hey, look alive kids!)



I said, "LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!" (That's better.)
I said, “LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!” (That’s better.)



Third grade buddies.
Third grade buddies.






And kindergarten buddies together at their farewell picnic.
And kindergarten buddies together at their farewell picnic.






She loved being in third grade with Mrs. C and Mrs. L.
She loved being in third grade with Mrs. C and Mrs. L.



Jonah lives for opportunities to play with the big kids.
Jonah lives for opportunities to play with the big kids.



Mikey really enjoyed fourth grade with Mrs. I.
Mikey really enjoyed fourth grade with Mrs. I.



With the final hugs given and the last "have a great summer" uttered, came the moment they'd all been waiting for. A long string of lazy, carefree days to spend in the sun, eating popsicles, inventing new games, and just enjoying being in the company of each other. Welcome summer, we're so glad you're here.
With the final hugs given and the last “have a great summer” uttered, came the moment they’d all been waiting for. A long string of lazy, carefree days to spend in the sun, eating popsicles, inventing new games, and just enjoying being in the company of each other. Welcome summer, we’re so glad you’re here.
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