Our little town throws a little street fair/carnival the weekend after school lets out.
Happily we live just close enough where we can walk to it. Stopping first at the grocery store for donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast.
It’s good to be one of the younger two who still get to ride in the wagon instead of making her wittle feet walk. (Insert eye-roll here.)
We didn’t get there too early, but just early enough for it not to be very crowded yet. Nice.
Inside the belly of a bear! (This spinny ride almost did me in. It appears I am officially too old for this stuff now.)
Bumper cars!
A brave man to let the little girl take the wheel.
The heartbreak over not being tall enough to ride.
Which very often results in the wallet creaking open at the “every try a winner” booth.
In an attempt to prevent any more stuffed animals coming into the house, a stroll around the fair booths was suggested. Where we almost ended up with one of these.
Phil and I in unison, “JONAH, NO!!” After which we walked away thankfully without one of those things.
I spotted the pony ride tent on our way out but Phil dismissed it muttering about the expense of having all our kids go for a ride. Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was FREE given by our town chamber of commerce.
Thanks, chamber of commerce!
This is the girl who asked for pony camp this summer. We told her this is pretty much exactly the same as pony camp except you also have to pick up pony poop at pony camp. She hasn’t mentioned it since.