Families,  Personal


Soon after summer vacation started for the kids, Phil had mentioned that he’d be working quite a lot of hours in an upcoming five-day span and suggested that it might be a good time for me and the kids to go visit the grandparents. So rather than sit around at home counting the hours until Daddy came back, I figured we’d make the drive over. A pleasant discovery this year- the kids are a little bigger now and a little more helpful in terms of being able to pack their own clothes and gear and help load up the van. As well as being able to sit for longer stretches while I drive. All good things. A not so pleasant discovery was that we still didn’t leave as early as I’d hoped to and so got stuck in traffic. On a Friday afternoon. When everyone else is trying to leave town, too. Ug. So the usual 4-hour trip (including one bathroom stop and a few spots of traffic) turned into a 6-hour ordeal inching our way through mile after mile of traffic (including one bathroom stop and a three-car pileup that stopped with the car right behind me).

But we shook it off once we reached our destination, thankful that we got there in one piece and jumped right into some good grandparent time.

While there, an inkling of an idea I’d had for months finally came to fruition. One evening, the boys stayed back with the grandparents while the girls and I slipped out. To freeze this moment in time and to do a little updating on a blog post I wrote five years ago. Five years already. Wow. That blog post is here.


These two.
These two.






And best friends.
And best friends.



What a joy it has been to watch them grow together over the years.
What a joy it has been to watch them grow together over the years.



Each one made with her own distinct personality and preferences, to be sure.
Each one made with her own distinct personality and preferences, to be sure.



But still more similar than they are different.
But still more similar than they are different.



For that, I am so grateful.
For that, I am so grateful.



I had no idea what I was in for when these two arrived.
I had no idea what I was in for when these two arrived.



I had no idea how much fun we'd have delving into the girly side of life.
I had no idea how much fun we’d have delving into the girly side of life.



I had no idea how much joy they'd bring. (I love this one.)
I had no idea how much joy they’d bring. (I love this one.)



And I had no idea how blessed I would be as their mom. Or how much I would love it.
And I had no idea how blessed I would be as their mom. Or how much I would love it.



Turns out, it didn't depend on how capable I felt I was to be a girl mom, but depended entirely on God's grace and His sheer goodness and love. For me. For them.
Turns out, it didn’t depend on how capable I felt I was to be a girl mom, but depended entirely on God’s grace and His sheer goodness and love. For me. For them.









Not a big fan of those poles in the background, but I love this one anyway.
Not a big fan of those poles in the background, but I love this one anyway.



Because that's life, isn't it?
Because that’s life, isn’t it?



Choosing to treasure the good times.
Choosing to treasure the good times.



Learn and persevere through the bad, hard, difficult times.
Learn and persevere through the bad, hard, difficult times.



And all the while grow in our thankfulness and dependence on the Lord while dancing before Him with all our might.
And all the while grow in our thankfulness and dependence on the Lord while dancing before Him with all of our might.



Little did I know how much I would learn from these two girls of mine. But God sure did.
Little did I know how much I would learn from these two girls of mine. But God sure did.



And for that, I am forever grateful.
And for that, I am forever grateful.
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