
Morro Bay

Grandpa took us fishing on the second to last day of our visit.


Waiting as Grandpa set up each of the fishing poles. In other news, I love kids in hats.
Waiting as Grandpa set up each of the fishing poles. In other news, I love kids in hats.



Although this one didn't love the hat she was given to wear. This is her wearing it but in silent protest. She took it off moments later and made me switch with her.
Although this one didn’t love the hat she was given to wear. This is her wearing it but in silent protest. She took it off moments later and made me switch with her.



He struck out on his own to find what he thought was a better fishing spot.
He struck out on his own to find what he thought was a better fishing spot. Except it was really windy and cold. And he was wanting some snacks.



So he rejoined us and before long, this happened.
So he rejoined us and before long, this happened.



Then another commotion brought Jonah running.
Then another commotion brought Jonah running.



Check out the bend on that pole!
Check out the bend on that pole!



Little fisher girl caught a nice-sized fish.
Little fisher girl caught a nice-sized fish.



The big sister caught one, too!
The big sister caught one, too!



Then some of us had some big feelings over not catching any fish.
Then some of us had some big feelings over not catching any fish.



But then... Mikey's fishing pole started twitching. The gentleman on the right had told us earlier that we were in a good spot and what type of bait to use. Turns out he knew what he was talking about!
But then… Mikey’s fishing pole started twitching. The gentleman on the right was working nearby on the end of the pier and had told us earlier that we were in a good spot and what type of bait to use. Turns out he knew what he was talking about!



Mikey let Jonah reel in the line and surprised all of us.
Mikey let Jonah reel in the line and surprised all of us.



Little brother brought in three fish at once!
Little brother brought in three fish at once!



Inspecting their catches of the day.
Inspecting their catches of the day.



Thanks Grandpa for all these fun fishing memories. Wouldn't be possible without you.
Thanks Grandpa for all these fun fishing memories. Wouldn’t be possible without you.



Rag tag fisher folk.
Rag tag fishing crew.



Then we went to the fish cleaning station. And let Grandpa do all the work.
Then we went to the fish cleaning station. And let Grandpa do all the work.



While they decided to wait on a bench further away from the stinky fish area.
While they decided to wait on a bench further away from the stinky fish area.












Whoa. Bold move, bird.
Whoa. Bold move, bird.



Thankfully we had this guy around to chase him off.
Thankfully we had this guy around to chase him off.

Afterward, we went to Grandpa’s favorite restaurant there and had lunch. Where the kids had things like spaghetti and cheeseburgers. Because there’s nothing like fishing and seeing fish guts that makes you want to… eat something else. Ha.


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