
Legoland! Part 2

The next morning at the not-quite-so bright and early time of 10 am, we headed back into Legoland via our not-quite-so secret back entrance.



I think I've mentioned before how much I love that they are big enough to be actually helpful with things like pushing the little brother in the stroller? Yeah. I really love that.
I think I’ve mentioned before how much I love that they are big enough to be actually helpful with things like pushing the little brother in the stroller? Yeah. I really love that.



This is the little brother having a timeout by his lone on a bench having some Big Feelings about something. Probably about how his big brother built a cool Lego car and then proceeded to Not Share it with him.
This is the little brother having a timeout by his lone on a bench having some Big Feelings about something. Probably about how his big brother built a cool Lego car and then proceeded to Not Share it with him. Welcome to the school of hard knocks, kiddo.



This is my Sky Cruiser co-pilot pedaling as fast as her little legs could.
This is my Sky Cruiser co-pilot pedaling as fast as her little legs could.



Until I told her that the car would still go by itself even if she didn't pedal at all.
Until I told her that the car would still go by itself even if she didn’t pedal at all. She still wanted to pedal anyway. But just slower. I love this girl.



Yeah, Big Sis really loved the Lego Friends area and the shows they put on. So did Little Sis. And Little Bro was riveted, too. Big Bro wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near this stage.
Yeah, Big Sis really loved the Lego Friends area and the shows they put on. So did Little Sis. And Little Bro was riveted, too. But Big Bro wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near this stage.



This girl picked out this "My brother rocks" Tshirt herself and wears it proudly. Her brothers do rock, but no one can take the place of her sister.
This girl picked out this “My brother rocks” T-shirt herself and wears it proudly. Her brothers do rock, but no one can take the place of her sister.



This silly little sister who loves her big sister with her whole heart.
This silly little sister who loves her big sister with her whole heart.



Excuse me while I still marvel over the fact that they are now big enough to ride in a row all by themselves with none of them needing to sit beside me. Or on me.
Excuse me while I still marvel over the fact that they are now big enough to ride in a row all by themselves with none of them needing to sit beside me. Or on me. They look like whole, actual people now!






This is the only time we were at the entrance so I snagged a pic. Just one, then I gave up.
This is the only time we were near the entrance so I snagged a pic. Just one, then I gave up.






This is Phil foreshadowing an upcoming vacation that I was trying to convince him would be fun. He had his concerns. And reservations. And doubts.
This is Phil foreshadowing an upcoming vacation that I kept trying to convince him would be fun. He had his concerns. And reservations. And doubts.



When did she turn into such a big girl? My Lowenny. My Bobenji. My Woe-wee. Eh. She's still my baby.
When did she turn into such a big girl? My Lowenny. My Bobenji. My Woe-wee. Eh. She’s still my baby.



This sweet sister wanted a pic with her brothers of whom her shirt speaks.
This sweet sister wanted a pic with her brothers of whom her shirt speaks.



The next morning found them as they were each morning of our stay. Bleary eyed and barely awake, but still piled together on a bed to watch morning cartoons. Their favorite thing about staying in a hotel. Or anywhere away from home where the rules are a bit different.
The next morning found them as they were each morning of our stay. Bleary eyed and barely awake, but still piled together on a bed to watch morning cartoons. Their favorite thing about staying in a hotel. Or anywhere away from home where the rules are a bit different.

And that’s all the pictures I took of this vacation because we went to the water park and the aquarium on this day and just didn’t want to lug the big camera around with me. So that’s all she wrote about this one. The end. (Thanks for the memories, Legoland!)

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