We are currently three days into the new school year. I’m tired and already out of lunch ideas. Phhhhhhhht. (That’s me, deflating like an old balloon.) The good news is the kids so far are loving their teachers and new classrooms. We are so, so thankful that God answered our prayers and gave both Mikey and Allie the teachers we were hoping for this year. Got thrown a little bit of a curveball when Lauren ended up in the K/1 combo class, but so far she is loving it and her new teacher, so overall, we have nothing but thankful hearts that this year is off to such a great start. But I’m still tired. 6:30 am comes much too quickly for my liking.
Anyway, I’ve still got quite of bit of the summer to catch up on here.
Starting with the day we ended up here (again). Same location, different movie.
To celebrate this girl’s 7th birthday.
We asked if she was okay with celebrating a couple weeks early since her daddy had that day off work. She was. We gave her the option of going to a children’s museum or going to this movie theater again, even though this is what her sister chose for her birthday celebration. She chose the movie theater option. Third kids, man. Gotta love ’em.
This was on the ceiling of the movie theater. Old theaters, man. Gotta love ’em.
Inside, we got to see a special dance performance in 3D.
Based on the movie we were about to see. Inside Out. Which we actually already saw the week before. Still, Lauren was fine with that. See above comment about third kids.
Complete with confetti blast at the end.
Then the movie short before the movie.
Lava. I lava’d it. [Elbow to ribs, get it?]
Then came part two of her special birthday celebration.
Tea at the Tea Rose Garden.
Love these two sisters who enjoy similar things.
Both have an especial fondness for sugar cubes in their tea.
And cream.
They totally redid the whole place and it was just lovely.
Beautiful table setting.
She didn’t quite believe me when I told her she could eat the tiny little flowers. So she just held it instead.
The boys were under strict instructions to behave like little gentlemen and enjoy this experience with the family.
This is how this little gentleman eats his Nutella-strawberry tea sandwich.