
My Baby L Turns 7! Part 2

After tea, we headed over to the mall to fulfill one of Lauren’s most wished for items for her birthday.


To get her ears pierced!
To get her ears pierced!



Careful deliberations.
Careful deliberations.



Meanwhile the boys kept themselves occupied.
Meanwhile the boys kept themselves occupied.



A bit of nervousness, but she didn't want to change her mind.
A bit of nervousness, but she didn’t want to change her mind.



The big sis offered to go first so Lauren could see the process before doing it herself.
The big sis offered to go first so Lauren could see the process before doing it herself.



Carefully marking the spot.
Carefully marking the spot.



A quick POP and done. Turns out it hurt a little more this time since she'd had her ears pierced before. Still, she toughed it out with just a little flinch since her sister was watching.
A quick POP and done. Turns out it hurt a little more this time since she’d had her ears pierced in the same spot before. Still, she toughed it out with just a little flinch since her sister was watching and she didn’t want to scare her. Sweet girl.



Done and checking out her newly re-pierced ears.
Done and checking out her newly re-pierced ears.



Big brother inspecting.
Big brother inspecting.



Then it was her turn. She didn't hesitate as she marched in to take her seat.
Then it was her turn. She didn’t hesitate as she marched in to take her seat.



Very determined to do this. Nervously excited. Or maybe excitedly nervous?
Very determined to do this. Nervously excited. Or maybe excitedly nervous?



And just like that...
And just like that…



She was done and giving high fives for being so brave.
She was done and giving high fives for being so brave.



Also a lollipop.
Also a lollipop.



Then Jonah turned his Jonah face to her and the nice earring lady gave them all lollipops.
Then Jonah turned his Jonah face to her and the nice earring lady gave them all lollipops.



And now...
And with that…



we can check off that birthday wishlist/summer bucket list item!
we can check off that birthday wishlist/summer bucket list item!

More birthday fun coming soon.

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