
The Day Of

There was ice cream cake before dinner and presents on her actual birthday day.


And now, we are officially seven.
And now, we are officially seven.



This is her dad hijacking my shot.
This is her dad hijacking my shot.



She rather enjoys us singing "Happy Birthday" to her now. We've come a long way in five years.
She rather enjoys us singing “Happy Birthday” to her now. We’ve come a long way in four years.









Look It's Bing Bong! (Who's your friend who likes to play?) She very much wanted one when she saw it in the Disney store next door to the El Capitan theater (well played, Disney), but mommy said no. So guess who went and ordered for it to arrive by her actual birthday? (Here's it hint. It wasn't mommy.)
Look It’s Bing Bong! (Who’s your friend who likes to play?) She very much wanted one when she saw it in the Disney store next door to the El Capitan theater (well played, Disney), but mommy said no. So guess who went and ordered for it to arrive by her actual birthday? (Here’s it hint. It wasn’t mommy.)



Also her long wished for walkie talkies. A set in pink and a set in blue so they could all radio each other. Sometimes having four just works out perfectly.
Also her long wished for walkie talkies. A set in pink and a set in blue so they could all radio each other. Sometimes having four just works out perfectly.



Happy 7, my sweet girl!
Happy 7, my sweet girl!
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