
Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin Spice Latte, anyone? No?




And I thought it was late back when we carved pumpkins on actual Halloween day. In other news, did you even know that it’s next to impossible to buy a pumpkin anywhere on October 31st? Not Ralph’s, not Pavilions, not Trader Joe’s, not Bristol Farms, not Walmart, not Target. Huh, I didn’t either. Apparently there is a mass exodus of all pumpkins on October 30th. Now we know and knowledge, as they say, is power.



Anyway. We ended up at a makeshift “pumpkin patch” set up next to the mall where they were selling their last few picked-over, sad-yet-enormous pumpkins for a flat rate. Yep, for $15 each, you too, can be your children’s Halloween hero.


I repeat: aaaaaaarrrrrrrgh.


So yeah, that happened. And then the holidays were upon us one after another in rapid succession. And then things got busy. And then they got really busy. Then super busy. Then I was going to pop in here with a witty, “Tis the season to… carve pumpkins!” or “It’s beginning to look a lot like… Halloween”. Or some such.


And then my blog decided to break and wouldn’t load any pictures for no good reason.


And then I sat on a pile of ashes and ate leftover Christmas chocolate. Reminding me anew how much I opposite-of-love computer/web/techie stuff. But at least the chocolate was good.


And then, the new year came and the blog mysteriously decided to work again.


So here I be. Blowing the proverbial dust off and picking up where I left off. Glad to be back.



And this would be the enormous $15 pumpkin I spoke of earlier.
And this would be the enormous $15 pumpkin I spoke of earlier. And Lauren.



Making their preliminary plans.
Making their preliminary sketches.



The boys decided to go classic jack o' lantern this year.
The boys decided to go classic jack o’ lantern this year.



Still not a big fan of pumpkin guts, but at least the gagging was at a minimum this time.
Still not a big fan of pumpkin guts, but at least the gagging was at a minimum this time.



Jonah tried to get a pick-up soccer game going but wasn't successful in getting the others to join him.
Jonah tried to get a pick-up soccer game going but wasn’t successful in getting the others to join him.












I don't remember now how it was decided, but the boys ended up with the normal sized pumpkin we got from Walmart for $3. Why oh why didn't we buy two at the time?!
I don’t remember now how it was decided, but the boys ended up with the normal sized pumpkin we got from Walmart for $3. Why oh why didn’t we buy two at the time?!















The girls needed some help cutting through the crazy thick pumpkin.
The girls needed some help cutting through the crazy thick pumpkin.



Look Mommy, I'm smiling!
Look Mommy, I’m smiling!



See? Crazy thick pumpkin flesh.
See? Crazy thick pumpkin flesh.



Jonah ended up doing pretty much everything except the pumpkin project at hand.
Jonah ended up doing pretty much everything except the pumpkin project at hand.









The finished jack o' lanterns. And wouldn't you know it, we never did get around to lighting them up at night. Sheesh.
The finished jack o’ lanterns. And wouldn’t you know it, we never did get around to lighting them up at night. Sheesh.


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