Yep, because it’s now nearing February. I’m feeling great about this.
A look back… [deep breaths]
My older three had their costume parade at school first thing in the morning. Lauren as Rapunzel. She chose this costume based entirely on the fact that it came with a long blond wig that she loved. And then immediately decided that she absolutely would not wear that wig at school. So we saw it as the nonissue that it was, left it at home, and here is our sweet raven-haired Rapunzel.
Allie finally decided to break free from princesses and went with a black kitty costume this year. Sniff. The end of an era has arrived, my friends. Still, she made just about the cutest little kitty I’ve ever seen, so moving on has proved to be not so traumatic.
And finally, our own Steve! Steve! Also, check out DJ Tanner behind him. Suddenly, I’m feeling a tad bit old in this crowd.
And then we rushed over for Jonah’s preschool costume parade. Because you know, the cuteness of the mini versions can’t be beat. I’m gonna miss this next year.
Captain America’s shield that his daddy insisted this boy have.
Later that afternoon, we got them into the full costumes for pictures before heading off for a fun night of fall festival AND trick-or-treating. Rapunzel, this time with her blond hair and frying pan.
The black kitty caught herself a little toy mouse.