
Christmas: The Setup

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

OK, well it did… five months ago. Good thing they say pictures are timeless. Heh heh.


The now traditional picture of the kids sitting on the tree.
The now traditional picture of the kids sitting on the tree.






Pulling out the favorite ornaments to put on the tree first.
He just can’t not do it. Can’t. Can. Not.



First things first because, priorities, man.
First things first because, priorities, man.



This year someone was waaaaay more helpful with the ornament hanging than in years past.
This year someone was waaaaay more helpful with the ornament hanging than in years past.









And guess who was all cheer and no jeer during decorating time this year? It's a Christmas miracle.
And guess who was all cheer and no jeer during decorating time this year? It’s a Christmas miracle.






Just cannot not do it. Can't.
Just cannot not do it. Can’t.



They did most of the decorating this year.
They handled most of the decorating this year.



They're growing up! *Sniff, sniff.*
They’re growing up! *Sniff, sniff.*



But not so much yet that they don't still play with the toys I mean ornaments.
But not so much yet that they don’t still play with the toys, I mean ornaments.



He hung his favorite ornaments on the bottom of the tree to admire them easier.
He hung his favorite ornaments on the bottom of the tree to admire them easier.



Getting sentimental over the baby ornaments we bought for him. Especially when I told him he'd be taking his set of ornaments with him when he moved into a home of his own. Then they started squabbling over who would get to take the favorite ornaments. Then the moment was over.
Getting sentimental over the baby ornaments we bought for him. Especially when I told him he’d be taking his set of ornaments with him when he moved into a home of his own. Then they started squabbling over who would get to take the favorite ornaments. Then the moment was over.






Not quite tall enough.
Not quite tall enough.



Daddy with the assist.
Daddy with the assist.



Admiring a job well done.
Admiring a job well done.




And that’s all I got to say about that.

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