
Christmas: The Morning (Part 1)

And finally, finally Christmas morning arrived.

And because they know it’s much easier (and faster) to just humor Mom than fight her, they let me take a few pics of them first:














The natives were getting restless by this point.
The natives were getting restless by this point.



Reading the last of this year's advent story...
Reading the last of this year’s advent story…



Allie won the round of Rock, Paper, Scissors and got to go first.
Allie won the round of Rock, Paper, Scissors and got to go first.





One of my very favorite things about Christmas morning.
One of my very favorite things about Christmas morning.



His much hoped for gift...
His much hoped for gift…



Yep, another favorite.
Yep, another favorite.



This guy got the biggest present under our tree this year.
This guy got the biggest present under our tree this year.



And needed no assistance ripping that paper right off.
And needed no assistance ripping that paper right off. Though they stood at the ready, just in case.






And a set of cars from his big brother to go with his ultimate garage. That deserved a brother hug.
And a set of cars from his big brother to go with his ultimate garage. That deserved a brotherly hug.



More hugs. My heart was full.
More hugs. My heart is full and my cup runs over.

More to come.

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