
Mickey’s Halloween Party

One post a month… I’m really catching up now! ::eyeroll::


It was mid-October. We told the kids we were going to pull them out of school a little early to get flu shots.

Except, the drive was taking a lot longer. And we’ve never had to get on the freeway to get to the doctor’s office. They were puzzled but just mostly happy to be missing a couple hours of school. Then they started to recognize the familiar drive. And the Mickey ears started appearing on top of the streetlights.


A reenactment of their surprise. This sure beats getting flu shots!



We had stashed their costumes in the trunk of the van and had everyone change. Except for Jonah, whose costume was way too much for this hot October day so we let him put it on later.



Disneyland sure knows how to get decked out for each holiday!



We’re comin’ for ya, Mickey!



She was a Pokemon performer this year.



Lauren was supposed to be one too, but her costume somehow morphed into Olympic gymnast. She does not have fond memories of this costume however, as this was the night that set off a severe skin allergic reaction- gigantic hives all over her body. It took over a year and quite a few different doctor/specialist visits to get it back under control. We are all very happy and thankful that she is all better now!





Pikachu was not so happy to discover that he was too small to ride Star Tours.



But he made it on to the Buzz Lightyear ride!







This was all Phil’s idea (as they always are). But it worked out well since the kids could easily spot us. No lost kids this time around!



Pikachu taking a break to pick some flowers…



for Mama.







And then, it was trick or treating time! Candy abounds! Even better was that every ride that night had only a 10-15 minute line. Unheard of at Disney!



All lit up inside.



Waiting for the parade to start.





Thanks Disney, for being better than flu shots.



Then came Halloween a couple weeks later. Her final costume.



The dreaded leotard was put back on with a tank top under it (we initially thought she might have an allergy to the leotard material? But all tests came back negative, yet the hives kept coming back).



My favorite picture of these two.



Since Phil was working, and this was a school night, I decided we wouldn’t be making it to Fall Festival this year. (Sadness!) But our friends came and joined us trick or treating around the neighborhood since they had never done it before. We all decided afterward that being at Fall Festival is way better.
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