• old blog

    The Fountain

    It was really hot the first few weeks of school.  So hot that Allie would have a sweaty head by the time I picked her up.  Poor girl.  She is Daddy’s girl in more ways than one. So one afternoon, I dressed Jonah in swim clothes and packed the other kids’ swim stuff to take with us when we went to pick everyone up from school. The swimming pool might be your first guess, and a good guess it would be.  But not this day.  Four kids, two non-swimmers, plus myself being required to go in the pool with them to make sure no one drowns doesn’t sound completely fun…

  • old blog

    U-C-L-A Fight Fight Fight!

    Howdy Bruin fans, it’s time again for the Tsais’ once annual (except we missed last year- moving and all) tailgating-football watching-cotton candy eating-lost in a sea of blue and gold extravaganza! And this time, our favorite couple consisting of a fellow Bruin fan and his wife who loves him enough to come to watch football were able to join us!  🙂 Allie brought along hair stuff and waited a whole five minutes after we got there before asking Auntie Jami to do her hair.  We love Auntie Jami!  🙂 Meanwhile, the boys found other ways to keep themselves occupied. Mmm, burgers. Here’s a little story.  Once upon a time (that…

  • old blog

    WWE: Chicken Pot Pie

    This one is high on the list of Tsai family favorites and a bonus for me is that it’s easy to make.  The family is happy, I’m happy, so win-win.  The only bummer now is that I’m going to have to start doubling this recipe in order to have any to pack for the next day’s lunches since every bit of it got eaten up in a hurry tonight. Chicken Pot Pie serves 4-6 Ingredients 1/3 cup butter 1 cup green beans, cut into 1/4” pieces 1 cup carrots, cubed  1/2 cup flour 2 cups chicken broth up to 1 cup water (optional) 3 cups chopped cooked chicken (I used…

  • old blog

    First Day Favorites

    Now seems like the perfect time to post first day of school pictures.  You know, now that we are well into October and school actually started back in August, two days after we got back from camping? Yup, as good a time as any. And this year, after praying and discussing and much angst (on my part), we decided to have the older three all try school together.  And every day since school has started, there has continued to be praying and discussing and much angst (on my part).  I’m thinking those three things are going to be continuing for the rest of the school year, too.  Possibly for the…

  • old blog

    Camping, Day Three

    Then came our final day of camping together… Started off right with this beauty- pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, and granola. The familia. Then we tried to pack up before the heat got to us and snuck in a few more group shots.  And yes, that is my dad giving Jonah bunny ears. Crazy face.  And yes, that is my dad just being normal. Cousin group shot. Cousin crazy face. Then, we voted to head back to civilization (In-n-Out) and air conditioning over cooking and eating lunch in the great outdoors. And then, because my brother and I sometimes always have trouble with goodbyes, we found ourselves at a…