• old blog

    The Day She Turned Five

    Like I said in the last post, we celebrated Lauren’s fifth birthday a week before her actual birthday.  That’s not to say we didn’t do a little somethin’ somethin’ on her actual day, though. So this is what she looked like on the actual day she turned five.  Not too much different than the week before, if you ask me.  She picked out what she wanted to wear on her big day.  Even though we stayed home for most of it. This is what she looked like when she spotted her daddy once he came home from work.  Standing next to the table with her birthday cake and presents. (Quick…

  • old blog

    Lauren turns 5!

    Ahhhh!  So much to catch up on!  It’s amazing how much fun can be packed into a summer when one isn’t in the midst of moving or growing a baby or nursing a baby or some combination of the three.  It’s been great, but uh, I could also use a teeny, tiny little break from all the fun-having to sleep for the next several weeks and it would all be even so much better… Just sayin. But fun waits for no man so onward we must go! So last month, this girl went and turned into a five-year-old. WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! *Ahem.  Excuse me.  Change is not my forte.* And because she…

  • old blog


    Last month, we celebrated anniversary #12.  Since we got our little getaway back in June, we kept it nice and simple- just spending the day all together with the kids. He slipped out in the morning and brought this home. And that evening, he put this delightful seafood spread together.  That’s bacon wrapped shrimp.  Anniversary celebrations were on his mind.  Specifically, our tenth one was on his mind. We love celebrating big around here.  But sometimes, a nice and simple celebration is just what the doctor ordered to help us remember just how wonderful our life together has been and continues to be- past, present, and future.  Thank you Lord…

  • old blog

    The 4th

    Very belated now, but better than never, maybe? Our annual Old Navy flag t-shirt family pic.  Except I got excused from the flag part. Phil thankfully had the day off, so we decided to spend it as a family day together.  It’s what often happens when both your parents are kinda introverts.  Ask Mikey, our resident extrovert.  He can tell you how it is. We visited our town’s Fourth of July celebration/carnival/shindig and came across this flying bathtub ride.  Ask Allie, our resident thrill-seeker, how it was.  She’ll tell you she loved it and wanted to ride it again.  While Mommy was pretty much one and done. Then came the…

  • old blog

    The Dorm Lunch

    Our sweet friend from church invited us to come have lunch with her in the UCLA dorms before she graduated.  A chance to visit our favorite college campus AND hang out with a super cool girl?  (Who I actually thought was already post-college as she seems so much more mature than I was, er, am now.  Ahem.) Yes, please! We got there a little early for lunch, but not quite early enough to do the errand Phil was hoping to do, so we did a little walking around first to see all the changes at our favorite Under Construction Like Always campus. The brand new Pauley Pavilion.  I asked Mikey…