• old blog

    The Old Ballgame

    Time for the Tsais (aka the Angels’ number one fans) to attend our once-yearly baseball game!  Woo! (OK, so this might have taken place before school actually let out (it did) so technically doesn’t count as summer fun, but actually still does in my book.  Thankfully it’s never been about technicalities around here.) Our Angels baseball game outing always begins with a stop at Sonic drive-in.  Because it’s sort of on the way.  And since it’s also sort of on the way on the way back, we stopped here again after the game for their 2-for-1 milkshakes.  This way we avoided paying $6 times 4 in order for each kid…

  • old blog

    Post Script

    I almost forgot the kids’ favorite part! Grandpa had this set up in the garage when we got there. Please notice the sign.  Spelling has never been my dad’s strong suit.  Then again, he spells way better in English than I can in Korean… or any other language for that matter.  :p  Allie noticed it right away but said, “No big deal, I can add the missing letters.”  And she did.  And I love everything about this sign. The girls were pleased as punch with their very own tent. There was also another sign for the boys on the table behind this tent along with another tent all ready to…

  • old blog

    Vacation, Leg 3 (cont’d)

    While we were away, the grandparents were keeping the kids plenty busy and entertained with a trip to the beach complete with In-n-Out for lunch, regular feedings of the goats outside, visiting Lily the dog, exploring and conquering a large rock pile, and you know, fun summer stuff with the g’rents.  Along with healthy doses of cartoon movie watching.  Can’t quite put my finger on why exactly, but they sure do love being at their grandparents’ house.  😉 So once again, my dad shooed the four of us away to go out and do something for the day.  They were planning to take the grandkids to this aircraft museum and…

  • old blog

    Vacation, Leg 3

    Saving the best for last… Look who drove all the way over to hang out with us for the last couple days of vacation? My dad said they’d keep the kids so that we could go out to dinner with our friends.  So to celebrate, we did some serious eating at the Artisan restaurant.  Starting with this beautiful little fig appetizer. We decided we couldn’t decide on just one app, so we went ahead with this dish of meatballs, ricotta gnocchi, piave, and guanciale.  Do I know what those last couple items are?  No.  Were they terribly good?  YES. Also this mushroom toast with crème fraiche, bacon, and poached egg. …

  • old blog

    Vacation, Leg 2

    And then we headed over to the grandparents’ where once again we were shooed away so that they could have the kids all to themselves.  Who were we to argue?  So away we went for a little getaway.  You knew this was coming, right?  😉 On our way to our final destination, we stopped over for lunch at the Apple Farm Restaurant.  We got there just in time to dine with the senior crowd.  But it’s a very cute location, the food was good, and there’s something very sweet about seeing an older couple sitting together over a quiet, companionable meal.  I only hope that we will be blessed with…