• old blog

    Preschool Mom’s Day

    So earlier this month, Lauren’s preschool had a special mom’s day.  With a little juggling around, I was able to go with no other kids tagging along.  Lauren began referring to it as our special mommy date as soon as she heard that it would just be the two of us. Happy to grab these little one-on-one times which so often are few and far between. Our school date involved coloring with scented markers.  As all proper school dates should. It also included story time. And a puppet show! She was equal parts riveted. And silly. And it ended with lunch- which is always a good thing in my book.…

  • old blog

    His Birthday

    Our dear Jami and James agreed to drive all the way over to our house and babysit our four kiddos so that Phil and I could go out for dinner to celebrate his birthday. What wonderful friends they are.  Especially considering how cranky Jonah had been that day (we later figured out he was miserable from Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease) and how it turned out the girls were coming down with it that night, too.  So all things considered, these two are indeed very good friends. Jami even got a picture of us on our way out.  Thanks, Jami! His dinner.  Land and sea.  Not bad for a free…

  • old blog

    Grandpa’s, Day 3

    And our final day together at Grandpa’s… This is what their doorstep looks like when we all (minus Phil) descend upon them.  Grandma always lines up our shoes facing outward so that they’re easy to slip on and go when we’re heading out.  Only with so many people heading in and out at all times, it’s hard to keep all the shoes facing in one direction all the time.  I should know.  That’s why I never attempt this at home.  Also why we’re forever tripping on each other’s shoes in the doorway. Day three of full breakfast. My brother wanted us all to do a little golfing on our final…

  • old blog

    Grandpa’s, Day 2

    Just when we thought the weekend couldn’t get any better, it totally did. My brother’s family came to join us! And my dad had something special planned for all of us. Not-so-early the next morning, we all got dressed and ready.  Some of us needed more help than others. And found ourselves on a pontoon boat in the middle of Lake Nacimiento. Life vests were required for the littluns.  Doesn’t he look nice and comfy?  Also?  I forgot to bring his shoes so I threw two pairs of socks that I found in the van on him instead.  Same thing, right? Thankfully these others didn’t mind donning the life vests…