• old blog

    Grandpa’s, Day 1 (cont’d)

    That evening, I took the kids out because I had something in mind. It was a bit windy.  Or was it just a case of bedhead?  Can’t remember now. This is the big sister handing little rocks one by one to the little brother to throw into the water. He loves throwing little rocks into the water. Changing up the scenery every once in a while.  Good for the soul. Running free in wide open spaces.  Also good for the soul. This was the thing I had in mind. This was a bonus. And the one thing the kids remember from taking these pictures?  Was that Mommy laid right down…

  • old blog

    Grandpa’s, Day 1

    Phil had the opportunity to attend our church’s men’s retreat last month and he suggested I take the kids to my dad’s in his absence. So I did. We got in pretty late and my dad was a little worried since I was driving alone with the kids.  We drove down the small countryish road to his house only to find him standing on the dark roadside waiting for us.  Seems you never stop worrying about your kids.   So our first full day there started off with a full breakfast, as always.  With the littlest one parked right here, as always. Then they moved on to early morning movie time. …

  • old blog


    Oh yeah, did I mention that we were struck with Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease the last couple of weeks in addition to severe seasonal allergies for Mikey and a sinus infection for me?  Might have something to do with feeling like we’re muddling through the days lately.  And HF&M?  Sheer. Misery. So let’s pretend it’s not already May and back up a few weeks.  Humor me, please? Spring break ended with Easter.  I love Easter.  I think I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth repeating.  I love celebrating our risen Savior and rejoicing anew that through His finished work on the cross, we can be forgiven and made new. …

  • old blog

    Friends are Friends Forever

    I’ve moved fourteen times through childhood until marriage.  And after marriage, I moved eight more times.  That’s a total of twenty-two times in my thirty-six years.  (Wow.  Am I really that old?). Kinda makes it tough to make those lifelong friendships that start when you’re three years old. Or eight.  Or fifteen.  Is it too late to start one at thirty-six? And even more importantly, those friendships as sisters in Christ who are able to come alongside to sharpen one another as we seek to become more and more like Him. So friendships have been on my mind lately.  Or maybe it’s my lack thereof that’s been on my mind. …

  • old blog

    The Bike Ride

    So we forged ahead in our efforts to enjoy the rest of our spring break together. He was determined to be prepared for whatever fun lay ahead. He doesn’t really need a nap every day, does he? So we started off our afternoon of fun with lunch.  Cuz you know, priorities. Mikey took this one. Then we rented a couple of bikes and a trailer and off we went! What?  Don’t they look like they’re having loads of fun in there? Dr Phil.  Affectionately known as my beast of burden. Allie wasn’t feeling super well that day and was having a little trouble keeping up.  So we put her bike…