• old blog

    Disneyland, part 1

    Phil’s annual work conference came around and hooray of hoorays, they decided to return to Disneyland once again! And because it fell on what happened to be a four-day weekend for the kids, we decided to live it up a bit and go into the park for two days instead of just one. There were no objections to that idea. We spent some time visiting Radiator Springs. Where we bumped into an old friend. Hard to tell who was happier to be here- the big one or the little one. Both were pleased as punch. Once again, boys rode in one tractor while us girls rode in another. We went…

  • old blog

    Valentine’s Day

    Ah, Valentine’s Day. First, read this, please. This post resonated with me because this day pretty much stunk for me for a lot of years and I know it still stinks for a lot of people for different reasons. And while I’m so, so thankful to God for the opportunity to love on my family on this day, it makes me sad that days like this are not happy ones for everyone. So I hem and haw and wait until it’s almost not February before proceeding with posts like this. So with that said… ******** We celebrated a day early for a few reasons, but mostly because it just worked…

  • old blog

    A Painting Kind of Day

    The kids had a day off from school last month. Teacher in-service day.  “Mommy, what should we do today?” The question came while my eyes were still closed as I lay snug in my bed reveling in the idea of a morning to sleep in a bit longer than usual. Except that my kids are not so good with the sleeping in idea.  If anything, they seem to wake up earlier on non-school days.  Someone please explain to me why this is. But, it was another beautiful day out and it seemed a shame to be stuck inside when we didn’t really have to be. So, we headed out!  Right…

  • old blog

    The Drive-In

    We recently had a free Friday evening in front of us. We tossed around a few ideas. We vetoed some. We considered our remaining options. We ended up here… At the drive-in. With not a small amount of rearranging and moving of booster seats, car seats, and folding down the back row, and despairing at the amount of trash we found under there, and getting a little cranky with one another (the parents), and distributing food (Jack-in-the-Box), and spilling a drink, and kicking off shoes, and trying to find a comfy spot, and snuggling down, and we were finally ready. For our second viewing of this new favorite movie (of…

  • old blog

    The Floats

    In one of those moments of reminiscing, I asked Phil, “Do you remember when we went to see the Rose Parade floats when the kids were teeny?” We shared a laugh over it recalling that we very likely had more fun that day than the kids who maybe might have been bored out of their little minds. In any case, we woke up the next morning and Phil decided we should go again and maybe the kids would enjoy it more now that they’re older. Famous last words. Because seriously, what’s there to enjoy when there’s only stuff like this to look at? A couple of birds, big whoop. There…