• old blog

    Her Birthday Not-A-Party Party

    Okay.  So this is our year off from parties and everyone is clear and good on that.  We invited suggestions and ideas of what they wanted to do instead and came up with something special for each one to celebrate their birthdays. Except. Except for this one whose only request was to do something with her two bff’s from school.  And because she love, love, LOVED her dollhouse tea party last year, she asked if we could go there again.  Again?!  So I racked my brain and offered alternative ideas and suggestions which she agreed to, but I could see the spark just wasn’t there for her in any of…

  • old blog

    Star of the Week

    So Allie’s birthday festivities started off with her turn to be Star of the Week in her class. Can she really be 7 already? The Star gets to bring in a favorite book to read to the class as well as a special toy.  She chose her pink seal that her big brother bought for her with his own money the last time we went to the aquarium while she was in school.  He felt bad that she was sad about missing out and so wanted to get her something to cheer her up.  I think it worked. The Star also gets to make (with help) her very own poster…

  • old blog

    St. Patty’s Day

    If you didn’t know before, I’ll just tell you now.  We’re not Irish.  Shocker, I know.  But we have celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in small ways every year pretty much only because green is Phil’s favorite color and because he enjoys a good corned beef and cabbage stew.  Also because of the kids’ unwillingness to be pinched for not wearing green that day. What can I say except that we are a family steeped in rich cultural heritage and meaningful traditions. : / So with that, I bid you a happy [albeit belated] St. Patty’s Day! From our family to yours in every conceivable shade of green known to man. …

  • old blog

    Now He’s Two

    Hey! They say it’s my birthday.  So my big bro made a lion out of legos for me.  I loved it. But I didn’t get no party.  That’s okay though.  This strawberry lemonade is like a party in a cup. Plus I got to rock out to the happy birthday song. Twice. Then they let me near open flame.  Two open flames. And I blew out my own candles this year, thank you very much.  Daddy was the human fire extinguisher at the ready juuuust in case. Then I got to eat cake, too! Did you try my cake?  It’s uh-maaaazing! Cake this good requires some extra rocking out. A…

  • old blog

    One Fine Day

    We are well into birthday season in the Tsai house.  The good news is we have three down.  The bad news is we have three to go.  Thankfully, this is our (mommy decreed) non-party year because otherwise I’d be a stark raving lunatic right about now.  I figure it is in the family’s best interest to avoid this whenever possible.  So anyway.  Before I get to all the birthday madness, I have one little picture story to share. We woke up one Saturday morning- all were home, none had anywhere to be, so he asked what we wanted to do with the day. We ended up here.   On this contraption.…