• old blog

    the missing birth story

    i thunk a thought the other day.  i know.  that often gets me into trouble.  it causes me to remember things i’ve forgotten to do, like missed doctor appointments and late bills and such. so it’s best that i limit that activity as much as possible. :p however, this particular thought had to do with thankfulness.  so i think (there i go again!) i was pretty safe from getting into trouble this time around.  i was thankful mainly for this blog and all the years of family memories i have recorded.  and i’m thankful for YOU, for reading along and sharing in our joys and supporting us in our sorrows…

  • old blog

    soccer mom

    so here’s the thing.  the title of “soccer mom” has always signified to me someone who had actual kids instead of toddlers and babies, who had her stuff together enough to know how to sign her kid up for organized sports, and who is not constantly in a state of moving/packing/unpacking/being preggo/having a newborn and so could actually fathom staying on top of games and practices and snack schedules. i’m so not that mom.  in terms of having her stuff together and being able to stay on top of schedules, that is.  oh, and i still have babies in addition to the kids.  a lot of times it feels like…

  • old blog

    old flames

    phil has a couple first loves that remain near and dear to his heart to this very day.  but no worries, i can peacefully coexist with this knowledge.  allow me to explain:  his ardent affections are for old interests that are enjoying a revival of sorts now that he has a little more time for such things.  so these loves of his?  well, the violet burning being one.  it’s okay if you’ve never heard of them.  i hadn’t either until we started dating and my musical horizons expanded whether or not i was particularly into his type of music.  i wasn’t.  and still am not.  but this does not deter…