• old blog

    backyard shenanigans

    the last couple months have been crazy busy.  crazy, i tell ya!  also, it’s been crazy hot.  so we’ve been sticking close to home lately in order to try and contain the crazy.  it’s only sorta working. and as soon as the hot, sunny days give way to the cooler, mellower evenings, everyone scoots out to the backyard. you know, mostly just to hang around. and get all up in each other’s business. aw, but the little guy just wanted to play some ball, too. good thing he’s easily distracted. course sometimes you gotta get creative with the distractions. making faces also helps, too.  helps with what, i’m not sure. …

  • old blog


    one of the highlights… of being a kid. don’t you think? this kid is all about full-force gale winds. except the wind turned on him and blew all the dandelion puffs back on him. “did you get the shot, mom?” a fistful of dandelions mixed with blades of grass work just as well too. happy saturday, friends!

  • project 52

    project 52, week 30

    soon after we moved in, several of our neighbors came over to introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood.  it was refreshingly awesome since that’s never really happened in any of our other moves aside from one next-door neighbor here and there.  most just kept to themselves and mostly we did too.  except for the fact that we have four very social kiddos who could often be found playing out front and would wave and call out “hello!” to anyone passing by.  we met many people that way and it’s been an unexpected blessing of having a more-than-usual number of kids. anyway. it’s been nice settling in to a…

  • old blog

    her first day

    last week, this one had her first day of preschool.  she most definitely was not ready to go last year and so we happily kept her home.  but somewhere along the way, she suddenly grew up on me and became very excited about going to “her own” school. i think allie’s glowing reports about her school (which she is continuing to LOVE, thank the Lord!) might have influenced the little sister.  a little. all dressed and ready to tackle the big wide world of preschool.  (she couldn’t be convinced to wear the white sandals and chose the purple crocs instead.  she’s a third kid, so i didn’t press too hard. …