• old blog

    her ‘punzel party

    after celebrating each of her siblings’ birthdays and patiently waiting for the ever-so-slow july to arrive, it was finally lauren’s turn to party! she was beside herself with eager anticipation. i was beside myself with party preparations.  let it be known that pinterest is a bad, bad place. etsy, too. after a few weeks of gathering ideas, making plans, purchasing supplies, making lists, preparing items, hanging decorations, rehanging decorations, and a couple late nighters, came the night before the big day. and if you know phil… you know that he is all about the party favor bag.  unfortunately for me this time, he was too busy with work to be…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 23

    and then my favorite little wrinkly-nosed squirt went and turned herself into a four-year-old! and apparently, if you go to trader joe’s on your fourth birthday and you tell the cashier that it’s your fourth birthday, she will come over and wrap tj stickers around you four times! lowenji’s birthday post coming soon!

  • old blog


    so we celebrated anniversary number 11 last month.  in the last few years, the month of july has ended up being a crazy busy month for us with phil finishing one program or another, moving, lauren’s birthday, and our anniversary all thrown in there. but even so, we’ve always tried to mark the date in one way or another, and God has always provided time for us to spend with each other and to look back over the years of all we have to be thankful for. and i’m happy to report that this anniversary finds us in a very good place.  the Lord has blessed us beyond what we…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 22

    the vast majority of my mornings begin the same way: around 4 or 5 am, a  little person by the name of lauren makes her way up the stairs and slips into our room.  clutching her favorite memory foam pillow, she pads over in the dark to my side of the bed, plops the pillow next to my head and urgently whispers, “I HAVE TO PEE.”  she then goes into our bathroom, does her business, then calls out, “i’m done, can you help me?”  which is then my cue to stumble over with eyes pretty much still closed to assist her.  afterward, she returns to my side of the bed,…