• old blog

    backyard picnic

    one of the definite highlights of our new home is having a backyard again.  the kids love being able to run in and out as they please and i love being able to shoo them outside whenever they get a bit too rambunctious inside. of course, they all come screaming back inside as soon as one of them spots a spider, or a mosquito, or a moth, or a roly poly, or a bee, or a fly, or any other small black spot that sort of resembles an insect. it does not appear that entomology is in any of our kids’ futures. ok, if i’m being really honest, that comes…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 21

    yes, i am still unpacking.  woe to the mutha.  (that would be me). four things: 1) most of the unpacking can only really get done in spurts during jonah’s naps.  2) i’m still aiming towards getting every single box unpacked.  3) i’m unearthing things i haven’t seen in several years and completely forgot we had.  multiples of the same items, actually.  4) i think this job is looking to last me a few decades.  at least. but look what i found in the midst of unpacking? a complete boxed set! hmm.  i wonder how much these are going for on ebay?  😉 have a great weekend!

  • project 52

    project 52, week 19

    mikey has asked me many, many times to take a picture of him with his lego creations so that we can send it in to the lego magazine people so that they can put it in their next issue.  i don’t think he realizes how many submissions get sent in or how most are never printed or how many of the creations that are printed are likely built by adults and i just don’t have the heart to disappoint him like that.  so, most of the time i just do what every good parent does (ahem) and evade his requests.  but i realized recently that he hasn’t been asking me…

  • old blog

    a day in the life…

    of jonah tsai! hey!  wanna see what i’ve been up to while mommy’s been busy unpacking? first, i like to start off my day with stolen sips from my sister’s smoothie cup. good thing she doesn’t mind sharing with me.  i even let her kiss my cheek because it buys me more time with her smoothie cup. and when she wants her smoothie cup back?  well, no matter because then my big brother swoops in and hands me his smoothie cup.  i love having lots of siblings! i find this round window very fascinating.  i could watch it go round and round all day long… hmm, what else?  oh yes,…