• project 52

    project 52, week 18

    and then a blink and a wink later, it was this boy’s 8th birthday.  birthday season comes fast and furious in our house with five of our six birthdays in seven weeks of each other.  it’s a whirlwind and i have to mentally gear up for it every year.  it’s also one of the reasons why i decided to do parties for each of the kids every other year.  if that.  :p but birthdays are the perfect time to express my thankfulness for each of our children, to reflect on who they are and what they’re currently in to, and to marvel at how God created each one to be…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 17

    my poor, long-neglected photo project!  i haven’t given up on it though and so will pick it up where i left off.  rewind a bit with me, if you will… we celebrated daddy’s 37th birthday with homemade brownie sundaes.  jonah thought that was pretty awesome.  he ended up eating daddy’s whole dessert!  that’s the thing about daddy though, he never hesitates to give the kiddos anything he’s eating and doesn’t mind if they end up eating the whole thing.  that doesn’t quite apply to daddy’s stash of toys though (and i mean literal toys.  he has been known to buy some little figures for the kids and then gets one…

  • old blog


    this is the post i have been waiting a very, very long time to write. we bought a house, survived the escrow drama, signed our lives away, got the keys, and moving day was finally here! this is the day i have been waiting for since i was seven.  that was the last time i lived in an actual, honest-to-goodness home.  not bouncing around every year or two.  not in an apartment, not a motel, not a shelter, not student housing, not a temporary rental unit, all of which i have lived in one time or another, but a home.  our own home. and while it is but a pale…

  • old blog

    disney, revisited

    back in march, we got to spend a weekend at disneyland, thanks to the conference phil attended for work.  at the time, the hotel offered a special deal for us to visit the park again sometime by the end of june.  a hundred bucks for the whole family to come again.  it was a good deal and we figured we had tons of time to use it.  three whole months!  who wouldn’t have time for disneyland?! but we failed to factor in the whole packing/moving thing we’re so fond of doing this time of year. and the whole daddy works eighty to ninety hours a week thing. and the whole…

  • old blog

    my forever baby

    i must interrupt my series of month-old posts (the goal of catching up is looking to be a rather fruitless endeavor) because today is a special day. today, my baby turns four. remember my baby? hi, baby. and when i call her my baby, this is how i see her.  this is how she will forever look to me.  we even had a discussion about it today.  it went something like this: lauren: mommy, i’m a big girl today. mommy: you are?  how come? lauren: because i’m four today! mommy: that is a big girl number! so are you a big girl or a little girl now? lauren: big girl.…