• old blog


    we were invited to celebrate easter at the home of our friends for the third year in a row.  it’s really, really nice to be in one place long enough to begin having yearly traditions.  let me tell ya, i sure could get used to this settling down notion. we are in the midst of escrow drama and praying all goes well and ends well.  and when all is said and done and we are hopefully in our new-to-us home, i will then have the full story to share here.  so please pray for us to trust in the Lord as we walk through this month. in the meantime, i…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 16

    so a couple weeks ago, the hubs and i had not one, but TWO dates in one week!  who am i?  a very good friend graciously insisted on babysitting twice for us so that we could go out- once to celebrate both our birthdays (happy birthday, honey!) and again a couple days later as a bonus.  unfortunately, we got rained out of phil’s original date plans.  but a nice little coffee date at the mall served as a more than satisfactory stand-in.  we also got to use the time to see a couple houses with our realtor.  one of which we are currently in escrow on.  so there’s that.  apparently…

  • old blog

    es ca row

    sorry for the quiet around here lately.  it’s been about all i can do to keep up with just living life lately and i honestly can’t even remember the last time i picked up my camera.  or had a story to share.  actually, i currently cannot find my keys, jonah’s baby carrier, or my ring.  i can’t even muster the mental energy to backtrack to try to figure out where they might be.  if i wasn’t so tired lately, i think i’d be a lot more bothered by the missing items’ whereabouts.  as it stands, it’s kinda on my fuzzy radar of things to be taken care of… later. but…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 15

    most of the time, i avoid the kids’ playroom like the plague.  i can happily let many, many days slip by without ever stepping foot in there.  why?  because the kids’ definitions of “clean” and “put away” are apparently very different from mine.  and it’s very, very hard for me not to quickly lose my cool when i have to be in there for any amount of time and begin to see that every single surface in there needs to be reorganized, sorted through, put away properly, in essence completely cleaned out.  again. and so my method of coping?  to simply shut the door and choose to look the other…

  • old blog

    a walk

    last weekend, we found ourselves with a rare day with all of us home with no place in particular to be and no thing in particular to do.  so when phil asked what i wanted to do with the day, my answer was simple. a walk. maybe it’s because i’ve lately been going through some old pictures when mikey and allie were teeny tiny. and i noticed that we used to do a whole lot more “nature-al” type stuff back in our minnesota days. or maybe i’ve been feeling a bit too cooped up these days. and thought a bit of fresh, open air would do us all good. whatever…