• project 52

    project 52, week 14

    THANK YOU auntie jenny and uncle sam for jonah’s new ride-on car.  he loves this thing.  loves riding on it.  loves pushing it back and forth.  loves seeing how the handlebars taste.  loves turning the wheels.  and the big kids love pushing him back and forth on it.  which i love very, very much.  his little sticky-out ears.  his little feet.  his little toes.  this shot makes me happy. and when jonah’s not playing with it (like only when he’s napping), why then the big kids love riding on it themselves! but everyone still likes it best when jonah’s up and ready to play!  🙂

  • project 52

    project 52, week 13

    so march is a crazy month with celebrating two of the kids’ birthdays, but not only that, it then goes and turns me another year older at end of it.  sheesh, talk about kicking ya when you’re already down.  and this year, all four kids decided to get sick at the same time as a unique way of celebrating.  but at least i got a slice of red velvet cake out of it!  and spending the day with my dear hubby (who took the day off) and my four coughing monkeys wasn’t a such a bad thing after all.  🙂

  • old blog

    queen for a day

    so birthday season is in full swing around here and it’s party year for the kids (we do parties every other year. mainly for the express purpose of keeping this mother sane and functional for the rest of the time).  so the day right after jonah’s party came allie’s party. it was an intense birthday party weekend for us.  i am still recovering. and because my daughter is in some ways very, very different from me, and because i love to celebrate those differences that make her so special, i chose a party for her that i knew she would love.  with every fiber of her being.  and that i…

  • old blog

    i blinked and now he’s one

    so this guy, and his bad 16-pound self, went and audaciously turned himself into a one-year-old. *shaky laugh*  excuse me while i go compose myself. ok, i’m back. i’ll try to hold it together. so the grandparents wanted to throw him a first birthday party, called a “dol” in korean.  which involved this traditional korean outfit.  but the smallest size they make them in is 24 months.  why do they do that when babies wear this when they’re 12 months old?  it’s not like we want him to “grow into it”.  he’s only gonna wear it once.  so it should fit for that one time.  in any case, my peanut…

  • old blog

    disney, part two

    so the second half of our disney day started with… princesses!  both girls brought along a dress to wear.  lauren chose this ratty old tinkerbell number complete with a rip in the shoulder. allie couldn’t help but admiringly touch tiana’s lovely dress. lauren couldn’t help it either, but she uses the back of her hand to feel things. i asked lauren if she wanted to go together with allie or after her to meet the princesses by herself.  she chose to go after so she could have her own conversations with them. jasmine was next. she did a wonderful job admiring lauren’s ratty old tinkerbell dress that was two sizes…