• old blog

    disney, part one

    so birthday season is upon us and we just survived an intense birthday weekend.  i’m still recovering. but before i get to that, gotta get through disneyland first. so backing up a month, phil had his annual work conference at disneyland the weekend immediately following our trip up to big bear.  after a brief stop at home to switch out snow gear for swim gear, we headed back out to hang with the mouse. one thing about tsai kids is that they loooove staying in hotels.  cabins, trailers, grandpa’s…  pretty much anywhere that resembles any type of vacation and they are totally all over it.  the littlest one was no…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 12

    my sweet little allie-girl is not so little anymore.  she had a simply marvelous time turning six this past weekend (more details to come) and finally got the doll she’s been waiting for years (her words) for.  ah, my allie.  100% girl, sensitive, emotional, thoughtful, wonderfully creative, generous, expressive, conscientious, kind.  the list could go on forever.  God put some special touches into this one and i am forever grateful to have the privilege of being her mommy.

  • project 52

    project 52, week 11

    remember jonah’s birth story?  i remember living that out literally yesterday.  pretty much every detail of it is still fresh in my mind.  because uh, it happened yesterday.  except that the calendar is telling me that this all happened exactly one year ago.  crazy business! a whole entire year has passed by in the span of ONE DAY and now this baby of mine has sprouted six whole teeth, is standing up at will, taking a few steps, playing with the big kids, and pretty much taking this whole growing up thing in stride.  very unlike his mother. so even though i’m not quite ready to realize it yet, my…

  • old blog

    going to the snow, 2012 edition

    two years ago, i wrote about going to the snow with my brother’s family.  it was great fun.  we couldn’t go last year because someone (read: jonah) was ready to pop out any minute.  and this year, try as we might, we couldn’t find a good weekend that would work for both families.  we figured we wouldn’t be able to go at all again this year. but, because mikey kept asking when we’d get to see snow again (that kid has the memory of an elephant.  actually, the selective memory of an elephant) and because phil had a random few days off mid-week and because we were already planning to…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 10

    jonah’s been standing by himself for longer and longer stretches lately.  and each time he does, he looks around expectantly for the cheers and applause from the rest of us.  and he always gets it.  and then he starts clapping himself.  and then he drops back down on his bottom.  and then he does it all over again. it’s a fun game. and the big news this week is that he took his very first step wednesday night!  daddy was the one to see him do it and i have yet to catch him at it.  but i’m very glad daddy was here to see jonah do one of his…