• project 52

    project 52, week 9

    we recently got to take a little trip up to big bear for a couple nights.  the whole story about that is coming soon.  but for now, i just wanted to share my favorite pic to date of my two favorite little girlies.  i love that they have a built-in best friend for life.  i love that they love each other (most of the time) and hope that only grows as they get older.  and most of all, i love that i get to be their mommy!  🙂

  • project 52

    project 52, week 8

    this is me.  all smiles.  at wicked. i’ve been wanting to see this musical for the past five years but babies, moving, husband’s schedule, and life in general somehow kept getting in the way.  but phil surprised me with tickets when it was in town and off we went (right after getting the kids situated with their favorite babysitter). and i don’t know if it’s because i haven’t been to a theater experience in eight years, but i have to say, it was…  awesomely wonderful.  way better than i ever thought it would be and it’s now my favorite.  the storyline.  the singing.  OH THE SINGING.  just loved it.  (i…

  • old blog

    field trip!

    yep, another one!  this one was back at the end of january.  i’m glad we made the most of those random days phil had off while moonlighting since they’re long gone now.  🙁 anyway, this trip was to the california science center.  can’t beat free fun! playing around in the fog machine.  (ps- she dressed herself that day.  just to clarify.) it’s blurry (kicking myself) but i still love it. he loved this thing. LOVED. IT. actually, she did too. daddy convinced them all to go in the wind machine.  78.7 mph winds.  while i stood outside with jonah and laughed at them.  best two bucks we spent! actually four…

  • old blog

    100th day

    my son went to public school kindergarten last year.  and in that public school kindergarten, they did a bang-up job celebrating the heck out of each and every holiday, special occasion, and birthday.  with whole-day long parties and games and prizes and happiness.  he probably ingested more cupcakes in that one school year than in the rest of his six years of life combined.  it really did make for fun memories for him, and for that i am thankful. one such extravaganza was thrown in honor of their 100th day of school.  i remember having to count out ten jelly beans into ten sandwich baggies and stapling them to a…

  • old blog

    adventures in mommyland

    just remembered this afternoon that i needed to pick up some prescriptions from target before they got reshelved (previous experience has taught me that scripts get reshelved ten days after being filled).  this is right after i put the younger two down for naps.  so i whisked them back up just as they were falling asleep, hustled everyone into the van and drove over to target.  ended up getting one of those enormous carts with extra seats in front and super-wide turning radius so the older three could sit while jonah was strapped to me in the baby carrier.  went inside, tried to ignore the stares as we made our…