• old blog


    phil texted to say that he has been officially hired by county.  actually, he was official as of yesterday, but they didn’t bother to tell him until today.  after 7 months and 21 days of waiting for this news, it was, well, a bit anti-climactic. the up side is that phil has a job!!!  only took 10 years, 7 months, and 21 days to get to this point.  God is good. the down side is that we still feel like we’re living with a huge question mark looming over our heads.  i’m not sure that phil really even wants this job aside from the fact that it’s a secure position…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 7

    my boy was invited to his first ever sleepover party last weekend.  he was beside himself excited.  i packed the stuff he would need into a reusable state farm bag that we got for free because i couldn’t find his backpack because it was packed away somewhere in one of our gazillion boxes stored in the garage.  he didn’t mind.  i wondered if we would get a late night call from our friends telling us mikey was homesick and wanted to come home.  because uh, that may or may not have happened to me at my very first sleepover.  turns out i needn’t have worried.  he came home pretty tired…

  • old blog

    my little valentines

    no sooner did this guy get over roseola… then he goes and picks up a congested head cold complete with ooey gooey runny nose. all. day. long.  with ramped up crankiness to match. whew, what a day. and even with phil away at work tonight, i still wanted to make valentine’s day special for the kiddos with a little dinner party.  albeit a very simple dinner party.  it would also be a perfect time to have them help cook since they all really enjoy doing that.  only, it never quite works out to have all three in the very small kitchen space with me, so i decided to put each…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 6

    this is my boy.  while running around outside, he accidentally knocked over little sister #2 and she ended up skinning her knee.  she cried.  he helped her up, brushed her off, and gave her a hug.  but still she cried.  so they brought her over to mommy.  while she cuddled on mommy’s lap, my boy sidled over and said he still felt bad about his little sister getting hurt and wondered what he could do to make her feel better.  after brainstorming a few ideas, he declared he would draw a picture just for her.  he sat right down and began drawing the house from the movie “up”, complete with…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 5

    i’m a week behind again.  i’m sensing a recurrent theme going on around here.  but i did have a good reason this past week for falling behind. this dude… decided that last week was as good a time as any to go ahead and catch a bug.  daddy initially suspected an ear infection.  but the high fever followed by the telltale body rash and mommy knew it was roseola.  which meant lots of extra fever meds, extra fluids, and extra cuddles.  since he’s normally always on the go and doesn’t usually want to sit around with me anymore, the extra snuggle time was actually very sweet. but not so sweet…