• old blog

    a crib for baby

    when a new baby is about to join a family, a flurry of activity to get ready for the little one’s arrival usually precedes the big event.  a nursery to be decorated and made sweet for baby.  a baby shower.  a carseat to be installed.  a name to be decided on.  and all the many stuffs to gather– lots of baby clothes, lots of baby gear, lots of baby dipes n wipes.  it all makes for good times. except it’s not exactly like that when you’re baby number 4. when you’re baby number 4, your parents view the hospital stay as more of a “mini-vacation” than anything else. when you’re…

  • old blog


    to describe this current stage of life i’m in as “busy” would be something of an understatement.  life with four little ones is tiring, ofttimes chaotic, and only occasionally overwhelming.  and try as i might to be present with each one, sometimes i worry… am i missing too many of their moments of being this little and this carefree? am i too busy with things, both necessary and not, to hear their thoughts and dreams? am i making enough effort to be here in this moment? do they know, both individually and collectively, that they along with their daddy are my heart’s joy and greatest treasure under the sun? i…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 4

    ok, and maybe this one was taken a couple months ago but i never got around to blogging about it.  so here it is because it’s my favorite shot from that night.  apparently, my rules for this project are of a capricious nature.  but that’s okay, i think. we were at the ucla basketball season opener a couple months ago.  the game was a stinkin’ loss to loyola marymount for cryin’ out loud.  but it didn’t matter to this little one, not with the hot dog, popcorn, sprite, cotton candy, and free-from-the-concession-stand-guy lollipop she consumed all in one night.  the loss did kinda bother daddy (and his thinner wallet), however.

  • project 52

    project 52, week 3

    ok, so the first three images may or may not be from the same day.  (they are).  but i love each one so it counts!  🙂 jonah giving daddy kisses.  actually, daddy discovered that if he chews on a pretzel, jonah will lean over and lick his cheek trying to get a taste.  but we’re counting it as a baby kiss all the same.

  • project 52

    project 52, week 2

    i have a few weeks to catch up on… i’ll take the sibling affection in whatever form it comes.  this time the younger two were snuggled up together in a laundry basket while the older two were pretending they were horses pulling a wagon.  good times.