• old blog

    beach day, cont’d

    so where was i?  oh yes, reveling in our january afternoon at the beach… this is lauren offering me some butterfly sand cake. this is lauren burying my toes with sand. this is me wiggling the sand off my toes. this is her covering her whole foot with sand. this is her busting her foot free. this is my forever baby with the wrinkled-up nose. this is the rest of the family finally coming out of the water to see what we were up to.  turning lauren into ariel the mermaid quickly became a group project. this is daddy adding the scales. this is lauren looking pleased as punch. this…

  • old blog

    beach day

    it feels strange to be shifting gears so suddenly after yesterday’s heavy post.  my heart still hurts for courtney and yet rejoices knowing that tripp is experiencing joy upon joy in the presence of our savior.  so it feels strange to just move on.  and yet as i think about it, living this life with joy, loving on my family, being grateful and giving thanks to God- can all be ways to pay tribute to tripp’s legacy.  in sorrow and in rejoicing, we give it all to the Lord for He sees and He knows our hearts.  and so with that in mind…  i have pictures to share.  it’s what…

  • old blog


    last weekend, i ‘randomly’ (not really because i have an inkling that God led me there) came across a mommy’s blog.  only, it wasn’t your typical mommy blog with lots of pictures of smiling, happy kids, and details about everyday happenings.  no, this mommy’s entry was about how her precious baby took his last peaceful breaths in her arms.  his favorite place to be.  baby tripp had junctional epidermolysis bullosa (“eb” for short), a rare genetic disorder.  it’s been called the worst disease you never heard of.  there’s no cure.  because of one little missing protein that binds one layer of skin to another, little tripp suffered more in his…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 1

    i wrote last february about how i really wanted to try a photo-a-day project for the year but knew it would be a failure in the making with a new baby on the way as well as another upcoming move. and that i would seriously reconsider for 2012. and i did. and again realized that i still have a nursing baby, am tackling homeschooling three (er, two and a half?) students, a husband who is still working mostly nights, and have yet another upcoming move sometime again this year.  ma plate’s feelin’ kinda full, folks! and well, i don’t enjoy setting myself up for failure all that much.  i know…

  • old blog


    field trippin’ that is.  it’s one of my kids’ favorite parts about homeschooling.  that and all the playdates co-op meetings. so last week, we had the awesome opportunity to meet up with some families from church at the cabrillo marine aquarium and best of all, to see auntie esther again!  remember auntie esther?  she’s on the list of my kids’ all-time favorite people.  top ten, definitely.  🙂 auntie esther was all ready for us with a lesson that included a story about fish babies and lots of hands-on activites… like looking through microscopes (mikey’s favorite). and pretending to be fish (mikey’s favorite again). and looking for fish hiding in the…