• old blog

    baby brother.

    jonah is nine months old today. huh? apparently he decided this newborn business was old news and has moved on and left me in the dust.  he crawls, pulls up, attempts to climb up the stairs (mental note- time for the baby gates.  again.), has houdini-like skills when it comes to wrangling himself out of his feeding seat, and just in this last week has taken to trilling his tongue.  this is our first baby to do this and we all find this fascinating and hilarious in equal parts. he does this tongue trilling thing whenever he’s happy and content.  which is most often just after he’s eaten.  or when…

  • old blog

    fall wrap up.

    oh my where have i been?!  thanksgiving was literally yesterday, and yet how is it that half of december is already gone?  i’m so confused.  and so behind. this is where a normal person would skip over the posts that were never got to and get with the program and post all the happy christmasy stuff because we are in the middle of december now.  and we all know how depressing it is to be posting christmas stuff in february. i get that.  i do.  i am normally the go-with-the-flow, laid-back, it’s-all-good kinda gal.  except that there’s this one teeny, tiny part of me that is just the teeniest, tiniest…

  • old blog


    our thanksgiving this year was once again a simple affair with just our family since phil was post-call the day of and has to work the rest of this weekend.  but i like the low-key time to spend together just the same. and even though it’s just us, i still like to make it a special affair and try to make as much of it from scratch as i can. adding a new kid every couple years kinda complicates the whole cooking all day thing though. but i’m happy to report that this year was my best yet with the brined turkey, the creamy mashed potatoes, the cornbread-apple-sausage stuffing, the…

  • old blog


    last month, we had the privilege of dedicating lauren and jonah at our church.  this was something i had been wanting to do for lauren but the timing never seemed to work out.  and then jonah joined our family.  and then we thought we would be moving away.  but then the Lord led us back and everything fell into place as is always the case when it’s God’s timing and not ours. the sunday we picked to do the child dedication also happened to be grandparents’ day at church. that weekend also happened to be the one time my parents would be staying over at our place since they had…

  • old blog

    displaced baby.

    lots to catch up on a variety of subjects but short on time to get caught up.  i get the feeling that may well sum up the next decade or two of my life.  huh. well, no time to dwell on that either.  : p so, homeschooling.  so far so good, i’m happy to report.  though i’m currently going through a major identity crisis in terms of curriculum and just recently changed up pretty much everything.  but more on that later.  for now, i just want to zero in on one thing.  er, person. lauren. she is the bowling ball thrown into my juggling act of bowling pins. i can’t…