• old blog

    a simple thank you.

    soon after our wedding, phil and i moved out to minnesota for phil to begin medical school.  we didn’t know a soul out there.  we had no family or friends anywhere near us.  i had just changed my last name to his and suddenly even my own name wasn’t familiar to me. it was just him and i together, starting this new life together.  and at first, it was exciting to be ‘just us’ on this adventure together.  we said goodbye to everyone we knew, left our jobs, our apartments, our church family, and took off on a roadtrip as newlyweds.  we moved into a teeny apartment on the eighth…

  • old blog

    de nile.

    they say it’s not just a river. jonut aka jonasu aka (most recently) jonaco-taco has sneakily gone and turned five months old on me.  *collective gasp*.  yes, that sure went fast!  and yes, i still think he’s a newborn.  or at least he should be.  and why yes, i do tell people he’s only three months old when they ask.  how’d you know? and i wonder what it could mean when most of my nicknames for the poor kid are food-related?  hm, will have to ponder that at a later date. because today, my friends, we shall dwell upon jonutter-butter in all his neonatey goodness.  here he is at 2.5…

  • old blog

    trademark follow-up.

    ok, because inquiring minds want to know… this is one of about four pictures of me as a baby.  i have no idea how old i am here.  and because i have a giant hat on my head, it’s a little hard to tell if i had the crazy hair in the back.  but i’m pretty sure i didn’t since i don’t remember my parents ever mentioning it and because my hair in front looks like it’s laying down as normal hair does. this here is baby phil.  and it’s looking pretty clear that the tsai baby hair is passed down the tsai ancestral line. which makes it official, folks. …

  • old blog

    text talk.

    before i get to the post, i just wanted to say thank you for checking in on us here on the blog!  and to my faithful few- THANK YOU for your listening ear and for taking the time to leave a comment, both here and on fb (extra thanks for the ones left here as they’re easiest to include when printing the blog books).  i read every one (sometimes more than once!) and have felt the encouragement and love from them and appreciate you more than i can say.  blogging has been my way of celebrating God’s marvelous grace in my life and enjoying the blessing of these little ones. …