• old blog

    the birthday trip, part one.

    where have i been? well, it’s that time of year again.  summer’s almost here and for normal people, that means beach days, swim lessons, playdates, and perhaps a picnic or two. but not if you’re a tsai.  if you’re a tsai, summer means it’s time to move.  again.  and if you’re the tsai mom, it means you’re completely and solely in charge of packing and making that move happen. ugh. as one friend put it on sunday, “you tsais either have a baby or move every year!”  and sometimes we do both in one year.  just to mix it up now and then. but the exciting news is that phil…

  • old blog

    easter 2011.

    i love easter.  i’m belated, i know.  but i still love it.  i love being reminded anew of the glory of my risen Savior, of how death could not hold him and how sin has been conquered once and for all.  i love rejoicing in my freedom in Christ.  i love being at church and singing through tears of the cost Jesus paid to bring glory to the Father and salvation to all who believe. He arose, my friends.  hallelujah, He arose! i wanted, no needed, to be at church on easter sunday.  and i wanted the kids to also be at church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.  so i braved…

  • old blog

    an afternoon with ah-tai.

    phil’s mom was here to help out for two weeks- giving me a total of five weeks’ worth of help after jonah was born.  this was the most help i’ve had after any of the kids were born, and it was wonderful.  anyway, while she was here, we drove over one afternoon to spend some time with phil’s side of the family. little known fact- phil’s mom comes from a family of eight girls.  you read that right.  eight!!  to keep everyone straight, the sisters often refer to themselves as their birth order number.  so this is auntie #2 holding jonah with phil’s mom, #4, looking on. and this is…

  • old blog

    open house.

    it was open house night at mikey’s school a couple weeks ago.  we had been hoping phil would make it home in time to go with us, but it turned out that he had to stay for a late case that night.  thankfully though, phil’s mom was here and was able to come with me and the kids.  she was a lifesaver as i really don’t think i’d have made it there on my own with all four. so off we went to school on a mission to conquer open house night. i’m very glad we got to go and see all the hard work mikey has done this year. …

  • old blog

    rite of passage.

    i’m pretty sure every girl has done it at least once in her life.  i know i did it several times.  and last week, allie did it for the first time. i had just woken up from a nap and this was the first thing i saw… don’t let the bright yellow box of crayons distract you (sorry, remember that i had just woken up.  otherwise, i might have thought to tell allie to put the crayons down before snapping her picture).  look north.  above her eyebrows. “mommy!  i cut my hair!” she proudly announced.  “do you like it?” still in a daze, i asked her where she put the…