• joy of love


    assignment #26:  the bromance. the big one has been waiting forever for this little one.  for a few years now, it seemed that it was going to be just him and his daddy and he’d say to me, “mommy, this house has too many girls!”  he’s all about balancing the scales, you know.  but God in his kindness heard the small boy’s prayers and answered him.  much to his parents’ surprise. now the little one is here and has only just begun to discover what a terrific big brother he got. and i am blessed beyond measure to see this new relationship grow through the years. so bring it on.…

  • joy of love


    assignment #25:  when you love them the most they don’t necessarily have to be doing anything or saying anything in particular.  in fact, those rare moments are most welcome.  i love ’em most when we’re just sharing a quiet moment together.  no squabbling, no crying, no tattling.  just quiet contentment for all.  love. ps- you’ll have to excuse allie’s hairdo.  her daddy attempted to do it for school that morning.  but hey, that’s a memory in and of itself, too.  😉

  • old blog

    a question.

    a woman, mrs. kim, is staying with us for two weeks to help out with cooking, laundry, and caring for the kids. i’m very grateful to her. she’s a friend of my stepmom’s. mira enlisted her help because she and my dad were very concerned about how i’d manage on my own with a newborn. i’m very grateful to them, too. mrs. kim told me tonight she came to help me out because she kept thinking about her own daughter and what she’d do if her daughter were in my situation. and that’s how she decided to come stay with us. which leaves me to wonder. and i’m only going…

  • joy of love


    i am still determined to finish the joy of love series.  and by golly, jonah did join us just in time to be part of the fun! assignment #24:  where did you first meet or fall in love? right here in the delivery room, moments after birth.  they laid him on my chest and his little face looked up, his eyes searching until they locked on to mine.  and in that moment, i was completely, utterly, and irrevocably in love with this brand new little man.  also in that moment, i discovered that it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first or fourth or fourteenth (not that i’m planning on finding…